What am I missing? It appears to be the same as the 8100 but a generation earlier (mid-2007 vs mid 2009). 1200 lumens vs 1800 for the 8100 and price is a bit lower for the 1080.
Well, I was considering starting a thread on the Epson, but I am having grief. It started going black when switching between low res and HD on BluRays. I was fiddling with the receiver output resolution and the like, but nothing was helping much. Tonight both the lamp and power lights started blinking. The manual says that is auto iris failure, so I guess I have a bad one and will need to exchange it.
Everyone says Epson customer service is excellent, but I bought from Amazon. Not sure who I should call first. Probably Amazon as that leaves me with more options. I think if I take the exchange from Epson, I'm likely to get a refurb and probably wouldn't be able to return it or exchange for the Mitsu if the replacement doesn't work out.
You should start a new thread for the Epson.
Done. Didn't mean to hijack this one.
Free Lamp Offer has been extended to September 30, 2010. Just ordered mine.
Mine has been neglected lately, not much time to watch... this weekend I'll do some catching up![]()
Talked to the service guy, he's going to order a color wheel, if it's not that the other 2 possiblitys are either $500 or $1000 so I hope it is the wheel... (should know by end of week)
If you lose a panel ...got a call today to give a warrenty #, hope something is still covered.