Mirrored TV No Longer Mirroring After Upgrade

And, with the remote TV, if you have the tuner set to Cable try setting it to Over The Air, or Vice-Versa.....
OK, the front of the receiver says vip612 DVR. The black wire comes out of the wall and goes into a two-pronged seperater. Two wires come out of the other end of the seperator d go into the back of the receiver. One into Satellite 1 in and the other into Satellite 2 in. There are empty holes that say, "tv set out" and "over the air antenna." The DMI cord goes from the receiver to the tv. There is an antenna that is metal and sticking up, and that is all that is going on back there!! HELP!!!!
Do you have a cable (coax) that runs from the other room to where the receiver is? If you do, connect that cable to the "TV set out" port on the back of the receiver, and the back of the mirrored TV, set the mirrored TV on channel 3, and it should be back up and running

If you don't have a cable ran, that's what you'll need
I just called Dish and they are sending someone out since we are within our 60 days. The tech just now on the phone said that we do need to have a cable running from the tv we want to have reception on to the good tv in the bedroom where the 612 box is. I told him that when we had the 211 box prior to the upgrade, there was no cable going through anywhere, just up in the attic. So now I am concerned because we have vaulted ceilings and I am not about to start with anyone running the cable through the house and out my bedroom wall and into the 612 receiver. I then asked the Dish guy if the tv in the living room would be able to handle it. It is a 722k DVR and it runs the living room tv, the tv in our son's room and the guest room (which mirrors our son's tv). The tech is coming Friday and I will let you all know what happened, in case you care!!!! Again, I appreciate all the advice.
If you had the TV in the computer room working before you added the 612, you already have a coax going to the computer room. That coax is hanging loose somewhere behind the 612 and needs to be hooked up to the TV out. That's the way it was on the 211, it's the only way you could get a picture in the computer room. The tech will find it and all will be well..... It may well be that the computer room TV was backfed over diplexors as well. The tech will figure it out.
The Dish tech came and left and was WONDERUL!!! He said the tech who initially did the upgrade should have looked at the wiring in the attic and realized that we needed a diplexer (?).... I don't know what he did up in the attic, but in the master bedroom we still have the one wire coming out of the wall, it now goes into a little metal square box that puts out two wires. One of the two wires goes into the other metal box that we had in there after the upgrade (that made the one wire become two) already and went into the "Satellite IN" holes. No change there. The other of the wires from the new metal seperator/diplexer (?) goes into the back if the 612 where it says TV in. So, there are three wires going into the back of the receiver.

VIOLA, we are mirrored and happy as clams!!! Again, thank you for all your assistance!
Congratulations! That extra little silver box is the diplexer. There will be another just like it in your attic to pick off the backfeed and send it to your mirrored Tv.
Cheddar, I also have a Vizio TV that about every 2-4 weeks will shut down and turn back on. There are a lot of Vizio TV's which do this, it is a known problem with Vizio, one of the few they will actually admit to. However, when pressed to give an ETA as to when a firmware update will be out you get a "I da know" and you can get no more. Well, I did get a YES to the question "will it be before Y3K". Sorry to tell you to not hold your breath that the new motherboard will fix the problem, but you can hope.


upgrading TV2

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