I was wondering what the minimum programming package would be with Dish that would still allow you to keep your NHL CI.
family pack is $20 w/o locals. HD rcvr rental is $6. I think that's the minimum for them to let you lease a receiver.
Why would you need an HD receiver with JUST the family pack? Anyway, I just spoke with someone at Dish and they said that in order for me to keep NHL Center Ice AND avoid the early termination fee, I would need to have at least the Dish Family package. At $20/month until my NHL CI package is done, I might consider it.
Well, it will be $26.00 a month to keep it. $20.00 for the Family Pack and $6.00 for having a ViP receiver and no HD package. Wait, I just assumed you have a ViP receiver.
Ok, wait, do you need the HD package in order to see the available NHL CI HD games or can you see them without the HD package so long as you have an HD receiver?