I am using the Amiko mini HD SE as well...
It was suggested to me to rescan 12053 V 22000 (
http://www.satelliteguys.us/xen/threads/looking-for-recommendations.348183/#post-3638402 ) for some missing channels...TBN, Church, Smile of a Child, Enlace, etc.
I connected my meter to the incoming RG-6, and receive a good strong sig / qual from 12053, as well as from many other transponders from 97.0W.
I performed a blind scan with the unit, but when I go into the install menu and select the 12053 transponder from the 97.0W bird, I receive no signal at the bottom of the screen.
Any ideas as to why 12053 won't show up after a blind scan, even though I get a good signal on my meter?