You never answered my question regarding the rental.
I am sure the retailers will not be happy about this.
Downloads still far away from being a prime product.
Remember most people that buy movies, they want to own it, not rent it for couple days. I would love to watch my movies 1-2 months after, even a year later.
Now that Blu-ray won the market against HD-DVD, I am sure they will start making more money, cheaper players, and hopefully cheaper discs.
I'd rather own a disc and play it whenever I want it than re-renting the movie to watch it.
Also if M$ wants to convert the 360 into a media player, then they need to start making quieter 360's.
That's my personal preference.
Completely agree, as I type this we are watching Rules of Engagement.... though we cannot hear our 360.

Like the RROD stuff, I think that's been rectified too. Everyone's environment will determine the effect of this certainly.
I am in complete agreement otherwise... I don't like the rental model as it stands on Xbox Live among other places. I have never paid for a rental, but have enjoyed some things like Jericho S2S1 which looked really damn nice (fiance literally said 'that looks like OTA'... i didn't know she knew what OTA was, she calls everything just 'HD').
To me, to succeed over a physical format, it will take a medium-highish (few/no artifacts, but 1080p not needed) buffet-style rental system. I'd pay $20/mo for unfettered access, or perhaps x tokens per month to view a movie. Give me either diminishing returns or free reign for repeat viewings. Throw in a commercial at the beginning of it for some ad revenue and I won't mind either.
We are a long way from that, not just bandwidth-wise (which I think is closer than many want to admit) but idealogy-wise for the studios.
In the end, people are paying for these movies online. While they continue to do so, that form will continue as-is until someone is able to broker some buffet-style deal. Until then... congrats Blu-Ray when you get to an economical price range.