Michael Jackson Verdict

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He does look scared, he just went through the metal detector.

They took Michael's mothers cell phone. Guess it must have been a camera phone. :)
shocking that at least didn't get the contributing to the delinquency of minors. sounds like a community that was influenced by the Rodney King/LA riots years ago and was afraid of what a guilty verdict might bring to their conservative city.

LOCAL TERRORISM! It influences the justice system to no end!
Ceas2182 said:
OMG Jackson is free... That was a waste of tax payers money. =) LOL
Sneeden or whatever the prosecutor is going to have a lot to explain. The cost of this trial has to be obscene. When his yearly review comes around, his boss is going to ask "What have you done in the past 2 years and what do you have to show for it?" and his reply will be "Duh...nutin."
New California slogan....

"When planning your next felony, be sure to keep in mind sunny California, where the weather is warm and the juries are even warmer........."
BobMurdoch said:
juries are even warmer........."

The average citizens of California are 100% scared to death! They have let every minority group, liberal and PC organization pound them into submission over a very few incidents and now seem totally incapable of deciding the truth based on the facts and are rendering verdicts and laws based on the media outcome they want (or want to avoid). I am now ashamed to say I was born there.
charper1 said:
The average citizens of California are 100% scared to death! They have let every minority group, liberal and PC organization pound them into submission over a very few incidents and now seem totally incapable of deciding the truth based on the facts and are rendering verdicts and laws based on the media outcome they want (or want to avoid). I am now ashamed to say I was born there.
All very convenient excuses for an accuser, who along with his family and witnesses, lacked credibility and epitomized reasonable doubt. Jackson is a very sick puppy who's a bigger fool for putting himself into a situation like this yet again. However, the jury did what they were supposed to do - acquit if there's reasonable doubt. By the way, history shows that female jurors are generally conservative, and this jury had eight women. Even this NY Times article http://www.nytimes.com/2005/06/09/national/09jackson.html claims that the jury makeup seemed to favor the prosecution. Never let the facts get in the way of a good story, though!
There was more than enough credible, non-accuser and non-disgruntled employee witnesses, to convict on the "contributing to the delinquency of a minor" charges.

Heck, try having open porn on your TV, computer or on your table and see how fast a "concerned" neighbor can get you locked up & convicted.

I have even read cases where adults have been convicted of lewd acts by having sex in their own homes, but being seen by kids peeping through the windows. So facts in this case could have at least got him there.

These consistent actions are becoming historical facts in CA, not merely convenient excuses.
charper1 said:
There was more than enough credible, non-accuser and non-disgruntled employee witnesses, to convict on the "contributing to the delinquency of a minor" charges.

Heck, try having open porn on your TV, computer or on your table and see how fast a "concerned" neighbor can get you locked up & convicted.

I have even read cases where adults have been convicted of lewd acts by having sex in their own homes, but being seen by kids peeping through the windows. So facts in this case could have at least got him there.

These consistent actions are becoming historical facts in CA, not merely convenient excuses.
The fact remains that there was enough evidence to raise a reasonable doubt in the minds of the jurors, and they did what they were supposed to do. If there's a lot of he said, she said, with different people refuting what your key witnesses are saying; and your key witnesses themselves have a credibility problem, then you're going to get an acquittal. Besides, there were just as many witnesses testifying in behalf of Jackson as there were testifying against him, so that was a wash. I really don't think that it was a California "we're afraid the minorities will riot if we don't acquit" verdict. I'll ask my nephew, the Deputy DA of Alameda County, what he thinks...
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