That CO spends more time off of his ship than a drunken Boatswain's Mate who just shipped over and is trying to blow his reenlistment bonus. I hope the Ruskys work him over good. He deserves it. 

Just like Capt. Kirk did. He never met an away mission he didn't go on, and often took the 1st officer and doctor too. Never knew why he took the communications officer Uhura . Not like she could connect Kirk to Starfleet from the ground.That CO spends more time off of his ship than a drunken Boatswain's Mate who just shipped over and is trying to blow his reenlistment bonus. I hope the Ruskys work him over good. He deserves it.![]()
Sure you do.....Never knew why he took the communications officer Uhura .
Just like Capt. Kirk did. He never met an away mission he didn't go on, and often took the 1st officer and doctor too. Never knew why he took the communications officer Uhura . Not like she could connect Kirk to Starfleet from the ground.
Funny .Sure you do.....
Sure, that would be smart, perhaps as time goes on they may be picking up people, and bringing them to an island, that is not infected yet.Should have brought the small village (if small enough) with them in case they can't cure the virus and need re-population material.
2 more left, and already renewed for another season of 13 episodes.Good summer series--enjoyed it so far--probably only a couple of episodes left this season. Where has the summer gone?