Last nights ep was exceptionally well written and executed. Intense, one on one drama. One of their best!
Agreed. I was emotionally wrung out after watching.
Last nights ep was exceptionally well written and executed. Intense, one on one drama. One of their best!
Why, 'cause there weren't any gunfights or explosions?I actually found it rather boring.
If you don't find a cure, at some point, in this alternate reality, you end up with very few people left (the immunes) running what's left of the over...I'm still watching this show but for me its lost a lot of its original appeal. I liked that last year they were trying to find a cure, find fuel, find munitions and find food.. This year not so much. Pull into any port and get whatever you need its seems. Last year they had a nemesis in that Russian warship. This year we get the three stooges trying to run a nuke sub...
TNT announced today season three pickup.