Michael Bay Insults HD-DVD Fanboys

dick wad?

Funny, I didn't feel like one when I was buying Transformers. I'll be sure not make that mistake again....in either format.
dick wad?

Funny, I didn't feel like one when I was buying Transformers. I'll be sure not make that mistake again....in either format.

I am feeling the same way about Bay, I doubt I will purchase or see any of his future movies.

I would have done this if he did it to the Blue crowd as well. Plus I am tired of love plots taking precedence over the movie itself.
I am feeling the same way about Bay, I doubt I will purchase or see any of his future movies.

I would have done this if he did it to the Blue crowd as well. Plus I am tired of love plots taking precedence over the movie itself.
One reviewer wrote that the only thing Bay can competently shoot are female abs or men looking at them. :haha
There's not a single forum in this site this dude has made his inmature , racists or non sense"remarks" unconfortable to someone , The ignore feature work like a charm with "guys" like him.;)
Oh look.. that function works with you too. :D

Analyst Says Toshiba Should Make Combo's

To all war-zoners

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