Mexican Christmas/New Year's Dinner

Concerning the green chili, I wasn't big fan of the recipe with the green chili powder. There is nothing like fresh peppers for this. A bit more work, but worth it. The rest of the recipe is OK, except I would also be adding shredded and chopped pork.

Best chilis for a gringo are probably the big long Anaheims. I would add a few jalapenos as well, but my family is used to this. Before cutting them, you need to skin the chilis. You do this by burning the skin on an open flame. The burner of a gas or electric range work. You heat them until they turn black and blister, then just slide your finger across and the skin comes right off. Cut them into strips, removing the big end. Be sure to remove the inner light white ribs and all the seeds. This is where most of the heat is. Then just chop and add them to the chili. Doing this will raise your sauce to a whole other level.
Most important thing is to make sure you have plenty of bathrooms available
:facepalm His mom's house has 3 bathrooms, so I think we'll be ok there. :facepalm

Anyway, the day has arrived! Finally! I'm making the taco meat, enchiladas, enchilada casserole, and regular chili. Also after supper, I will be doing fried bananas. We have to leave in about 3 hours, so if I want to get it all done, I better get moving. :D
It was great. We had lots of good food. Only leftover I brought home was chili. Also, I wish I would have made the queso because my SIL just bought canned cheese. She bought a HUGE can of it and one regular can. We didn't even go through the little can, cuz well, it was canned cheese. That's just my opinion, but melted Velveeta with Rotel is much much better. Anyway, my other SIL made fried icecream for dessert, and that was pretty dang good. I've never had it before. I made fried bananas and Colby was over the moon about them, but no one else was really excited about that dessert. So next time I'll try something else. But the Mexican thing worked out for sure. Chimichangas are on my list of "Learn How to Make" because I loved them.

Deep Fried Bacon - Yum

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