Dee, which channels are you watching RTV on? I agree the AMC9 signal is pretty sad, and I don't have an S2 box yet so I can't compare those to any others. But remember, they told us those on 83w were just backups for stations who had problems with the main delivery signals, which I guess must be the DVB-S2 ones.
The channels on 83 ku are pretty terrible but so are the channels on 87 C-band. They are S2 on transponder 4080. The resolution is higher than the very low VHS resolution on 83 but it still looks horrible. A picture where there is very little motion is ~ok~ but as soon as someone starts moving the picture instantly goes to poo.. I have read a little about the causes of poor TV pictures and I believe that the reason is that they are compressing the signal to an extremely high rate so that they will save money on the broadcast fees.
Another problem with ALL RTV channels, irregardless of where they are (83 or 87) is that the sound is out of sync by 3-4 seconds!
On my PC I can force it to resync the sound by pressing the rewind button then the FF button a few times. This will usually straighten it out. RTV is the ONLY network that has this sound sync problem.
Now on my Openbox, it seems to handle it without having to play silly games .. My folks have an S9 and the audio works fine for them as well. So it seems that the tuner card in my PC is having a hard time understanding what sort of silly signal they are sending down..
But no matter if it's the PC or the tuner box, C-band or ku, the picture is just flat out dreadful...
I have been recording the Yoga shows on RTV (WFXS) on the S2 C-band channel in the mornings so I can watch them later. I time shift because I keep weird hours. When I play them back, they are awful quality and the sound is badly out of sync. And since they are recorded out of sync it appears that there's no way to fix it after the fact. Fortunately yoga is a pretty slow paced activity so I manage to deal with it despite all..
Maybe I can paste up some examples of the horrible quality from C-band..
I sure hope when they get the new satellite in that things will improve. I won't be holding my breath though...