Well, the problem today is that regardless of the resolution, it is the bit-rate that makes the greatest difference in the quility of the main OTA channel. By accomodating "sub-channels," sometimes too many, they are robbing from the band-width, and so even one would be hard pressed to see much of a differnce between 1080 and 720 because the bit rate is starved sufficiently that it can look worse than cable or Dish LIL--by that I mean the OTA is can be pretty bad to start with, although I get the impression that Dish really crams poor PQ for smaller DMA's. Here in LA, it is close to what we get OTA, although I think it used to be almost a wash, but now just a touch more noticalbly inferior, but NOT at all objectionalbe.
In fact, last week KABC was looking AWFUL. There were compression artifacts during the big late afternoon big money making newscasts most noticably on the fine, small logo image (the bug) and Chyron effects, and it was bad, but not that bad on the main video image, but it did look a little softer. I suspected Dish, but when I went to OTA on the Dish, then OTA on the TiVo, and OTA directly on the TV, the lousy artifacts were still there. OMG! KABC was smashing the PQ--no doubt in relation to accomodating those stupid sub-channels. I hope it was temporary. I have not checked lately.
And that is the sad point. We are not getting the absolutely beautiful HD on our Main channels all across the country that we used to enjoy because of the sub-channels. Too bad because those early days had some breathtaking PQ. Now it all look a bit softended and no so clear compared to early days. I knew that was going to happen when the FCC ruled to allow OTA's to slap on the sub-channels. I don't think we can get true full 19MHz HD ANYWHERE these days, not even the OTA's that used to provide them.