Mess left after my upgrade

I was very impressed with what my installer did for me here at the new house.

Very professional, very neat.

this was a D1000 install with an extra dish for 61.5, as well as a DPP44.

I had him put the DPP44 and it's power inserter in my On-Q box.

Very neat, all 4 cables nice and tight, and tied down.

All in all a very nice job once he got here with the right stuff. (that's a different story).

Why did they cut the cables back and use the barrols?

The installer could have spent an extra 5 minutes to clean it up. If anything he could have taken the 2 wires on the 2nd Dish and put them inside the Dish so they atleast look like they are doing something since you would not wanted to cut them off because they might be used in the future.
jssat said:
The installer said he is the local Quality Control Manager for dish. You be the judge by the pics I attached. This was a 625 upgrade and my dishes was upgraded to Dish Pro and 2- 34 switches.f charge....

Ok number one..the dishes are not grounded..huge violation......second, anyone who would leave a job looking like that should be fired immediartely..a slob like tghat hasd no business in this indsutry..let him work for cable..I owuld get dish on the phone.and tell them you want the job fixed.....very important..let them know that the sysytem is not grounded ..that will get someone ther very quickly......Be adamant that you will not pay for the technicians incompetence..If they insist on charging oyu..Ask to have your complaint sent to "escalations"....Do not let the CSR off the phone.......Make them transfer you..get their name and operator ID number before they transfer you to escalations....That install is a POS....and should be fixed free o
SimpleSimon said:

Why would that possibly be a "big no no"? I'll admit it's not often needed, but I do NOT see any reason other than the "fewest connectors possible" rule.
I agree with you....I use barrels at the dish when I need to..they are NOT a spec violation....
Smith said:
3 dB loss on each F-connector, that's why.

If your getting 3 db loss on each F-connector, then something you are doing is very wrong. At the most specs say Approx 1 db(btw that approx. 1 DB per barrel, NOT F-connector). However if you(well I do) use good coax and connectors and barrels. I have seen way less, not really even worth talking about. I avoid this however because the less connections you have the better in the long run, as far a corrosion. I don't care how good you are, the more splices the more chance of problems later on.

But 3 DB!?!?! Quit guessing, and wake up.
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dishcomm said:
Ok number one..the dishes are not grounded..huge violation......second, anyone who would leave a job looking like that should be fired immediartely..a slob like tghat hasd no business in this indsutry..let him work for cable..I owuld get dish on the phone.and tell them you want the job fixed.....very important..let them know that the sysytem is not grounded ..that will get someone ther very quickly......Be adamant that you will not pay for the technicians incompetence..If they insist on charging oyu..Ask to have your complaint sent to "escalations"....Do not let the CSR off the phone.......Make them transfer you..get their name and operator ID number before they transfer you to escalations....That install is a POS....and should be fixed free o

Its not worth another 6 hours of my valuable time to sit around and wait on another installer, not to mention all the time I would have to spend on the phone just to speak with some one live that would not know what to do to help in the first place. Or speak English if I'm lucky.:D No Thanks! I can take that 5 minutes Claude mentioned an do it myself.
Smith said:
3 dB loss on each F-connector, that's why.
At what frequency. I'm not sure what the LNB down-converts the Sat signal to but I had to use barrels in my installation a few years ago and saw little change in the signal strength.

If you do say it is 3db then that is 1/2 power and and I am sure the receiver would complain when I tried to re-accuire the satellites after the repair.

If the down converted signal is below 200 MHz I would say that the loss is more in the area of 1/2 to maybe 1.5 dB which is nothing more than a little "speed bump".

BTW about corrosion, I wrapped my splices with 3M Super 77 tape to seal the connectors. I also sealed the F connectors at the 2 SW21's with RTV silicon sealant.

Rich Dunklee
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"3 dB loss on each F-connector, that's why."

That sounds more like a splitter loss (3.5 dB) than a barrel connector. It's approximately 0.5 dB per F connector, making it less than 1.0 dB per barrel connector like "ke4est" said.
I would not want to see that redneck's living room. He must have pizzas drying on his walls judging by the untidy way he left cables all over, your dishes look more like huge flowers in savage garden. Amazing what horizontal (read ridge) breeding propagated over 2-3 generations will do for the intellect. He must be one of the believers of the Intelligent Design theory, roll over Darwin :)

I am so sorry to see your mess. I'd say time to go to Lowe's/Home Depot and learn how to crimp, clean up this garbage.

By the same token you could use the redundant cabling you will remove to get creative on his........AOUCH
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Wait until you build a new house, have RG-6 installed with barrel connectors in each room, include an A/V distribution panel with room for satelitte switches etc, and even a conduit to a roof location (32' up), no trees or other structures blocking.
Installer arrives, show him the location for the dish, conduit for the cable, and the A/V panel for him to make all his hook-ups with room for the switches. What do you get at the end? Cable that is not in the conduit, and lets make sure we cut all the RG-6 in the attack, then forget which one goes where, forget your tone device so you can't tone it out.
Took 3 visits for E* Installers to get it working. I discovered the cut RG-6 in the attack after they left the first time and my OTA wasn't working on any TV's, and my XM was dead. I ended up paying a private party to rerun the cable, and use the A/V panel as it was designed. I was also told that the dishes should have been grouded per code, to the grounding stud, but they were not. I guess showing them everything, and giving them written intructions and a drawing from the A/V installer to make sure it was done correctly was to much to ask. I will gladly pay someone who knows what they are doing, rather than have the installers come back. It was $200 fix to get it all back working right after they left the 3rd time. Now I might have to get the two dish 500's replaced by a 1000. I guess E* wants their installers to do it, I would rather pay mine than have to go through that again.
Smith said:
If I'll find my Dish training video, I'll make sceenshot for you.
Oh, I believe that E* is saying that. But just like 99% of what falls out of their mouths, it's wrong - OR you dropped a decimal point, and you really meant to say 0.3dB - after doing some Googling, I find that is a likely explanation.

622 installed, but no Dish 1000 included

Dish angle question

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