Got anything to back that up? I don't know any religion that doesn't believe Christ was a prophet, so why would they be offended at HIM? They might be offended at people for trying to make others believe he is the savior however.A. YES. Plenty of people are offended at CHRIST.
That's like saying if there were no "big box stores" "Black Friday" wouldn't exist as we know it. Of course you'd still have New Year's to celebrate.B. Christmas is the reason for the season. Without CHRISTmas, the so-called "Holiday Season" wouldn't exist as we know it.
That's very nice of you, but you neglected to answer the two subquestions... since you wouldn't be offended by someone wishing you "Happy Hanukkah", why do you think others are upset by being wished "Merry Christmas"? And if you're fine about being wished "Happy Hanukkah", why so upset over "Happy Holidays"?C. NO. I respect other faiths even though I am a Christian and I believe there is only ONE way to God and that is through CHRIST. That being said, I have no desire to remove Hanukkah or any other non Christian holiday from the calendar. This is what makes the USA great.
You do realize "Judeo" means Jewish, right? So using your argument, Jewish holidays should also have "superiority", right?This country was built upon on Judeo-Christian values. And for that reason Christian holidays will ALWAYS have superiority over other religious holidays.
Why is it "diminishing"? You do understand there are MULTIPLE holidays (Christmas and New Years), right? THAT'S why "Happy Holidays" is used. If there was such an "anti-Christian" feeling in this country, why isn't there a "push" to stop saying "Happy Easter"? And are you trying to use the argument that since the Majority of the country feels one way, that is the way things should be?So diminishing Christmas to "Happy Holidays" is a slap in the face to the MAJORITY of those in this country who call themselves Christians and unfortunately many of us just don't care.
I REALLY feel companies started using "Happy Holidays", not because of complaints or to keep from offending a customer, but to be more inclusive. And, instead of just "sucking it up", which some Christians apparently want non-Christians to do, it's all of a sudden a "WAR ON CHRISTMAS!"