Losing our local cbs channel is not the end of the world. I did however talk to quite a few people today that are beyond upset.
1 lady told me she has been a dish customer for 28 yrs & if cbs wasn't put back she is switching, she griped non-stop for 10 minutes without a breath. Another told me Dish broke their contract by taking off cbs.
I do understand people being upset over losing a channel(s). My advice has been the same all day. "Sit back, take a breath & see what happens in a few days". Switching providers based on an emotional decision is bad for everybody.
I do feel that something needs to be done as far as involving the mass public in these scenarios. Especially when your only talking about a handful of big wigs who can't agree to disagree in private.
This whole fiasco reminds me of a couple of kids squabbling that need their butts welted & stood in a corner till they cool off.
1 lady told me she has been a dish customer for 28 yrs & if cbs wasn't put back she is switching, she griped non-stop for 10 minutes without a breath. Another told me Dish broke their contract by taking off cbs.

I do understand people being upset over losing a channel(s). My advice has been the same all day. "Sit back, take a breath & see what happens in a few days". Switching providers based on an emotional decision is bad for everybody.
I do feel that something needs to be done as far as involving the mass public in these scenarios. Especially when your only talking about a handful of big wigs who can't agree to disagree in private.
This whole fiasco reminds me of a couple of kids squabbling that need their butts welted & stood in a corner till they cool off.