Max Payne 3


SatelliteGuys Is My Second Home
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Aug 9, 2004
So has anybody bought this yet. It came out today, and I very very rarely buy a game on release day, but I got. I usually wait until the price drops in half or lower, I mean it is just hard to justify 60+ bucks for a video game. Anyhow I made an exception on this one. I am at chapter 3 so far and must say it is pretty good. So it makes me feel a little better about spending 65 bucks on a game. :)
It will probably arrive today in my mail from Gamefly, but it probably won't get a lot of attention immediately from me since I'm knee deep in Prototype 2 (which is fantastic by the way) and also it looks like my new daughter will be arriving before the week ends. The game does look interesting and has garnered some good reviews, although I'm curious to see how much the story deviates from the Remedy-made games (MP 1 + 2.)
I'll let you know as I get more into it. Only at chapter 4 now and don't have time to play all day. It is more Noire style, but it is great so far.
I didn't like the last MP game so I won't be getting this one. Not my style game.
I didn't like the last MP game so I won't be getting this one. Not my style game.

I didn't either, but this one is designed different and of course has better graphics. The first 2 was for ps2 and org. xbox.

It's kinda of like if you ever played the first Red Dead. I hated it, but Red Dead Redemption is a thousand times better than the first one.
Well I am about half way through it, and so far still good. I would recommend it.
Max Payne in the Ass

I'm on Chapter 3 and to be honest I'm strongly considering just sending this game back to Gamefly. This game is not making a good first impression on me. Most of my reasoning may be based on personal preference as opposed to a badly made game but it still doesn't make them any less valid.

For one, I don't find MP to be a relateable or even sympathetic character. So far 3 chapters in I find it hard to feel for a pill popping, booze chugging ex cop that is hardly recognizable from his previous adventures (and this is before he shaves his head and all that other stuff.) Another issue is that Max sure as hell seems to love his own voice. Christ I don't think my 2 year old randomly talks as much as Max does. It's still up in the air though which one's blabbering makes more sense. Finally, I'm sure that the plot probably opens up as time goes on, but right now I find it less than exciting to be motivated by Max's "job," which is basically to help rescue a really rich guy's girlfriend.

On the subject of presentation, I'm not exactly thrilled with the direction of the cutscenes either. Normally one would not critique cutscenes much unless you're playing a Hideo Kojima game, but here they're so frequent and unnecessary that it's impossible not to. Part of the reason as to why there are so many is because they are used to hide loading screens, but that just makes them feel more artificial. I'm also not a big fan of all the lens flare and distortion the camera uses to convey... something.. I suppose it's to show that Max is drunk, which is good and all, but it doesn't make the game anymore fun. They also go on far too long early on. Is it really necessary that we go back to Max's apartment after every mission just to watch him talk to himself and get s-faced?

The actual gameplay is better but not significantly. The control scheme is rather convoluted (who the hell thinks to take cover with the X button or even RB?) and it isn't helped by lack of true customization which is unacceptable at this point. Hey Developers, it's 2012. Give us the option to customize what all the buttons do, as opposed to just some random presets. The lack of customization goes well with the unusually steep difficulty curve that the game has. I'm playing on Normal but already I've seen that annoying "DEAD" screen more times than I want to mention. The game gives you the option to "save" yourself by killing someone with 1 shot if your health runs out and you have pain pills (which are in remarkably short supply), but this is useless when you run out of ammo in your current weapon and are not allowed to switch, which turns it into a prolonged "Game Over" screen. One time I got a "Game Over" because I didn't realize I was in a timed section of the game. I was looking around a room I had just cleaned out scavenging for some weapons only to see Max complain that his trail had gone cold and that I had to take it from the top. A heads up would have been nice! The combat can be satisfying at times, especially with the "Kill Cam" that zooms in on your bullet taking out the final enemy and lets you unload some extra rounds in them with amusing visual results. Still, since they only occur on the last enemy (or if you're near death and clip someone like I mentioned above) it doesn't happen very often, and instead you're stuck with gameplay that takes so much time to perfect that you'll start to wonder like myself if it's even worth it.

I'm willing to give Max Payne 3 another shot because I feel it's deserved it given the pedigree behind it, but I definitely would not hesitate to send it back and get something else to tide me over before the fall release schedule.
I have to kinda agree with a lot of what you said. It does get better, but I hit chapter 9 and kinda took a break from it. There are 14 chapters in all and since I got this far I think I will sit down and finish it. When I do buy a game I always decide whether to keep it in my collection or sale it. At this point I think I will sale it. I mean I think I like it a little more than you do, but it has that movie feel to it, and to me once you have seen a movie you have seen it. There is no re-playability to a game like this. I did that with LA Noire. I played to about 50% completion and sold it, I never finished it. It was the same to me and the movie just got more boring. When I read reviews on MP3 I got the impression it was full free roam. As you can see it is not.

On another note, I must say you give very good game reviews. :up
Yeah I'm giving up on this game. I suppose I could reduce the difficulty and turn on hard lock aiming, but I don't really care enough to do so. Again, I'm not going to just declare this a bad game, but a number of rather glaring flaws make this very hard for me to want to play anytime soon. I think I may take this time to catch up on some other games. I won't go so far as to say no one should play this, but this is DEFINATELY a try before you buy game.
The original Max Payne 1&2 was a pc game and later ported to consoles. You have to play the first two, to appreciate the story line in all three games. Big fan from the start and I love the story line it has. Which is rare in a lot games today.
The original Max Payne 1&2 was a pc game and later ported to consoles. You have to play the first two, to appreciate the story line in all three games. Big fan from the start and I love the story line it has. Which is rare in a lot games today.
I liked one but two was way to short. So I don't think I'll play 3.
Very good video, he hit the nail right on the head.
Normally I don't dig up old threads, but someone on another site brought up how great the writing was in Max Payne 1/2, and it reminded me of this great video, and I saw that it was taken down from the original link. I think nowadays it's still very relevant.

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