Territories have already been figured out contractually. Not really throwing a bone. Some markets have no rsns some have a couple and some have quite a few. It's the same for locals. Some have more than others. Hell, there is one market that has no NBC. (Not a contract dispute). Yet they all pay the same price because the core pckage is what is paid for. And with that, I will go back to the service agreement that no channel or program is guaranteed at any level, area, or platform. Everyone gets mad, but have no problem signing the paperwork without reading to get their TV hooked up.
Mochuf ;QUOTE
There might be a valid point about BTN and Maryland. There is no valid reason that NJ should be denied BTN though. NJ doesn't get any RSN's, yet they still pay the same amount as the regions that do. Dish could have easily thrown them a bone by providing BTN. End QUOTE.
NJ has plenty of RSNs, Dish refuses to pay for them.
Don't make it sound like RSNs don't exist there and that's the Reason NJ doesn't have any .
That being said atleast if your know your not going to carry the channels, then don't advertise them.
Which dish doesn't in the NY sports aspect.
And to avoid Nasty RSN fees like our Friend Directv loves giving out.
But if you are offered BIG TEN network or yet have to pay extra to get it. Then it damn well better have all the content that every other provider has on its BIG Ten network.
I just find in interesting that so many of yous would rather back Charlie up , then back up a Member here that clearly has a Valid point.
You have the Channel, you live in the Required Territory, No excuse is valid unless the standard blackout rule applies.
The Charlie Blackout is not valid.
Apparently Charlie is not telling Maryland Big Ten Customers they are getting no games.
Seems to me it's another bait tactic.
because Charlie is cheap
since he isnt able to see the game you kinda answered your own sentence and question