Yes it is from last night!!Marvels Agent Carter is supposed to have an episode at 8pm before the State of the Union,is that a repeat?

Yes it is from last night!!Marvels Agent Carter is supposed to have an episode at 8pm before the State of the Union,is that a repeat?
I was thinking the same thing or that she is at least a member of the bad guys. Especially since the thug in the boat tells Carter that he was told to expect [paraphrasing:] "one of you." Which confused her for a second. I took it to mean women. Given how hard they've been pushing the gender theme, it would not surprise me if the bad guys ended up being bad gals (to borrow period slang).Who wants to bet that Peggy Carter's new neighbor is the assassin who killed her co-worker("I'll notify his wife." "I'll notify his girlfriend.").
That was Bridget Regan(I gotta re-watch that episode,no doubt it was the blond hair that threw me off)? Oh,what do I know? I didn't recognize her when she was on Beauty & the Beast either until I looked her up. I do remember her on Legend of the Seeker though. It did finally dawn on me who Lindsay Fonseca was without having to look her up. I remember her from both Nikita & Kick-Ass.At first when they showed someone lurking in the shadows near the boat, I assumed it was Peggy Carter waiting for the SSR to arrive because from behind the figure looked like a woman with hair tucked up under a hat. (Peggy was still on the boat.)
I think the assassin is someone working for Stark, actually, because of a bit of a spoiler I saw in a preview trailer after the first two episodes.
By the way, Bridget Regan, who plays Dot (the new boarding house resident), like Lindsay Fonseca in Nikita, had a major role that involved a lot of fighting in Legend of the Seeker.