Marvel "Agents of Shield"

And I recently saw Iron Man 3 for the first time a few weeks ago. Can't believe I missed that reference. Thanks for pointing it out.
Yep, and I bet this next episode or two, it will have something to do with Thor, Loki, or the evil force they battle in Thor 2, which opens in two weeks
Has anybody else watched the webisodes of "Marvel's Agents if S.H.I.E.L.D. Declassified"? I wonder what they're trying to achieve with these since they the host is a joke and there is nothing revealed that wasn't in the episode from the previous week. Give it a pass.
I personally think Marvel is heading into total burn out. Two "just OK" movies, (Thor and CA) with probably just more "just OK" sequels. Didn't they learn their lesson with the Hulk?

Give me more seriously imagined DC characters.
I'm sure they will do great at the box office just like all the other recent Marvel movies too. It's clear that The Avengers movies and the Iron Man movies are their biggest stars but all the Marvel movies do very well.
I just caught the Captain America: The Winter Soldier trailer on my AppleTV. I was surprised to see Robert Redfern joining the action, perhaps as a Senator or the President. He throws off that Kennedy vibe...
Agents of SHIELD's' 'Thor: The Dark World' crossover episode confirmed

"Marvel's Agents of SHIELD" will act as a bookend to the events of "Thor: The Dark World." After the tease that the ABC drama will feel repercussions from the latest Marvel movie, the episode description for the show's Nov. 19 episode proves a crossover is indeed happening.

As noted by Entertainment Weekly, the episode description for "The Well" confirms it will pick up from where "Thor: The Dark World" left off. "In the aftermath of the events chronicled in the feature film 'Marvel's Thor: The Dark World,' Coulson and the Agents of SHIELD pick up the pieces -- one of which threatens to destroy a member of the team," the synopsis reads.
So they are using this series to cross merchandise with the movies . Pretty ingenious marketing. The movies do good so people watch the series and vice a versa. I guess they will do the same thing with the new Capt. America movie in April too.
Next Episode: Season 1, Episode 6

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

"F.Z.Z.T.": When floating bodies are discovered, Coulson and the team pursue an elusive killer.

I have not watched tonight's episode yet,so I'm asking this question,could tonight's villain be Graviton? I'll be answering my own question shortly in a few minutes as I watch my DVR recording of Agents of Shield.

Absentia Season 3, Amazon

The Coroner
