I agree that the movie tie-ins felt forced, but it would've been stranger for those events to be completely ignored after the precedent set last year with the HYDRA infiltration.
I had bigger issues with the whole Fake-May twist, as it seemed pretty farfetched that Kara could've escaped custody, walked around the headquarters as a second May, and then took a plane (and an agent) without authorization and without anyone questioning, "Where did Bobbi go? Who took that plane? Ah, nevermind, we won't bother contacting it via radio. The mechanic is probably just taking it to pick up his kid from college."
I had bigger issues with the whole Fake-May twist, as it seemed pretty farfetched that Kara could've escaped custody, walked around the headquarters as a second May, and then took a plane (and an agent) without authorization and without anyone questioning, "Where did Bobbi go? Who took that plane? Ah, nevermind, we won't bother contacting it via radio. The mechanic is probably just taking it to pick up his kid from college."