Agents of SHIELD Keeps Managing to Overturn Our Expectations
Agents of SHIELD is getting into its third season, and by now Marvel's spy show has covered the same ground a few times. What was great about last night's episode, "A Wanted (Inhu)man," was that it kept finding new twists on the familiar storylines.Spoilers ahead...In "A Wanted (Inhu)man," the main plot has to do with Lincoln, who's being hunted by the new not-so-covert agency ATCU ever since that hospital massacre. ATCU is willing to put out a Bolo on Lincoln, and even plaster his picture all over the media, to catch him. And meanwhile, SHIELD is tracking him but can't quite win his trust—and maybe doesn't entirely deserve it.In the episode's main subplots, Simmons adjusts to being home after spending months stranded on an alien planet. And even Fitz's best efforts can't help her recover. And meanwhile, Lance Hunter and Melinda May continue the hunt for Grant Ward, by going to an underground fight club where Lance needs to win some fights to prove himself to Hydra.