Mark at DishDepot Retiring

Amazon does not stand behind the 3rd party seller. Times don't always change for the better.

I have not found this first statement to be true. More than once, I've been shipped the wrong product or a defective product by a vendor and each time Amazon has stepped up immediately and made it right.

I agree with the second statement.
I have not found this first statement to be true. More than once, I've been shipped the wrong product or a defective product by a vendor and each time Amazon has stepped up immediately and made it right.

I agree with the second statement.
same here i have never had the wrong items sent to me. but i had things break like an office chair at one point. i called amazon spoke with customer service and e-mail them pictures. they told me to keep the chair and refunded me so i could buy a new one

TRUE: REAL LIFE business practices are far different than written policies that are not followed by such a company. Further, I and others have had situations where Amazon will just NOT do ANYTHING other than provide a link to the 3rd party seller and Amazon will have nothing further do with it, and go "missing", and even claim "3rd party; not us" excuses to avoid action "talk to the 3rd party [again and FOREVER] and then we might get involved on your behalf", and while there are the rare moments when Amazon MAY decide to take the hit for you instead of the 3rd party seller, those instances are not as common as you would FALSELY believe. Amazon often will concede some responsibility for SHIPPING matters of 3rd party sellers, but only if Amazon FULFILLS them, but if items are shipped from 3rd party... Good Luck, and hope they are reputable (and some are), and NOT just in regards to shipping, but any meaningful help from Amazon, the problem arises with returns. THIS is a KNOWN problem. It can take persistance beyond reason, but Amazon can go in silent mode far too often with the goal seemingly being that they can outlast your time and persistance.

TRUTH and reality are the actions of people and entity regaredless of what FANTASY is depicted in written policy. The terribly imperfect and flawed route of Class Action Lawsuits are often the result of such a difference between written policy and the real-life actions of a company, as are the actions by Attorneys General against companies not following their own written policies. Silly consumers, a company always follows and HONORS its written policies, right? I'm sure, like you, no one has ever had the experience of a company NOT following its onw written policies. My own personal expererience is why I now avoid MOST 3rd paty sellers (some 3rd parties are reputible retailers who I do trust).

Thanks for your contribution to this thread Mr. Jeff Bezos, but I will chose to purchase from Amazon (or any other place) according to my own experiece. The lack of any true intent to elucidate through personal experience or HELP or to offer a route of satisfaction when dealing with certain 3rd party sellers when Amazon does not follow its written policies can only come across as being a pendantic and pointless post. Was your post really necessary? Only for your sake, no doubt.

Of course buying directly FROM AMAZON ("ships and sold by Amazon" as the seller) does come with excellent return policies and excellent service in resolving matters to the satisfication of customers, myself included. My beef is with SOME 3rd party sellers, not sales from Amazon directly.

Now, back to topic and Dish Depot and Mark . . .
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Gross generalizations over a few anecdotal experiences. So you had a couple of bad experiences with 3rd party seller resolution with Amazon, and so it is "rare" that Amazon follows their own policy, "no one has ever" or "always" or whatever hyperbolic statements you care to make. Then you go on to attack me by insinuating I'm a shill for the company ("Mr. Jeff Bezos") and that my post was pointless.

If it passed you by, the point of my post was that the overwhelming "reality" is not necessarily indicative of the small sample size of your experiences. I have had 4 issues with 3rd party sellers (not fulfilled by Amazon) and on 3 of those occasions, Amazon stood by their policies as outlined. Yes, it took more effort than with their own sold and shipped merchandise, but following their own guidelines will likely (not "always") produce results.

You can choose how and if you do business with whomever you wish based on your own experiences, but don't expect not to be called out on blanket statements.
TRUE: REAL LIFE business practices are far different than written policies that are not followed by such a company. Further, I and others have had situations where Amazon will just NOT do ANYTHING other than provide a link to the 3rd party seller and Amazon will have nothing further do with it, and go "missing", and even claim "3rd party; not us" excuses to avoid action "talk to the 3rd party [again and FOREVER] and then we might get involved on your behalf", and while there are the rare moments when Amazon MAY decide to take the hit for you instead of the 3rd party seller, those instances are not as common as you would FALSELY believe. Amazon often will concede some responsibility for SHIPPING matters of 3rd party sellers, but only if Amazon FULFILLS them, but if items are shipped from 3rd party... Good Luck, and hope they are reputable (and some are), and NOT just in regards to shipping, but any meaningful help from Amazon, the problem arises with returns. THIS is a KNOWN problem. It can take persistance beyond reason, but Amazon can go in silent mode far too often with the goal seemingly being that they can outlast your time and persistance.

TRUTH and reality are the actions of people and entity regaredless of what FANTASY is depicted in written policy. The terribly imperfect and flawed route of Class Action Lawsuits are often the result of such a difference between written policy and the real-life actions of a company, as are the actions by Attorneys General against companies not following their own written policies. Silly consumers, a company always follows and HONORS its written policies, right? I'm sure, like you, no one has ever had the experience of a company NOT following its onw written policies. My own personal expererience is why I now avoid MOST 3rd paty sellers (some 3rd parties are reputible retailers who I do trust).

Thanks for your contribution to this thread Mr. Jeff Bezos, but I will chose to purchase from Amazon (or any other place) according to my own experiece. The lack of any true intent to elucidate through personal experience or HELP or to offer a route of satisfaction when dealing with certain 3rd party sellers when Amazon does not follow its written policies can only come across as being a pendantic and pointless post. Was your post really necessary? Only for your sake, no doubt.

Of course buying directly FROM AMAZON ("ships and sold by Amazon" as the seller) does come with excellent return policies and excellent service in resolving matters to the satisfication of customers, myself included. My beef is with SOME 3rd party sellers, not sales from Amazon directly.

Now, back to topic and Dish Depot and Mark . . .
Send a email to jeff bezos...he does respond

Help with pricing for joey4k

Hopper 3 issues

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