a couple of questions:
1) Does anyone know if the database format has remained the same for the last several months? I want to try my hand at the channel editor. When I was on version 3.2, I did a "user db" dump to the USB stick and upgraded to version 3.3. I downloaded the channel editor and I noticed the date in the editor filename seem quite a bit older than all the public firmware versions I'm aware of for the Manhattan and it is a concern to me that the database format may have been tweaked and that the channel editor's output db file may not be compatible with the Manhattan's version 3.3 firmware when I go to upload the "user db" to it.
2) Why is there an inconsistency with the info screens with the USB stick present and not present? Intentional? I did my version 3.3 upgrade, I saw a cool new lower third when I hit the INFO button. I hit the INFO button again and got some record screen. I figured that might be because my USB stick was still attached to the receiver and I safely disconnected the USB stick. The INFO button lower third then changed to a different version (not so cool appearance/info) and the second INFO button gave me the screen I had been lookign for all along (the S/Q and the new modulation type/FEC info). I don't know how to get to that S/Q/format/FEC screen when a USB stick is attached but I don't use my manhattan as a PVR _yet_ so it's not a showstopper to me to have to get to the more informative INFO screen without a USB drive present. I would have thought the INFO button screens would have looked similar no matter if there was a USB stick included or not and the record info woudl be found with the RECORD button keypress or through the menus.
3) Any plans to add video codec, audio codec, video resolution info in a future firmware to maybe the first lower-third INFO button keypress in a way similar to the openbox? That's the big thing of the openbox that I miss having in my manhattan.