I don't really give a damn what you believe fanboy.I got that.
My point was that just the legacy support in OS X was bigger than total Win7 without legacy support removed. Got it?
You will forgive me if I dont believe you, wont you?
I don't really give a damn what you believe fanboy.I got that.
My point was that just the legacy support in OS X was bigger than total Win7 without legacy support removed. Got it?
You will forgive me if I dont believe you, wont you?
Thank you.I don't really give a damn...
Video hardware assistance is nonexistant on Macs atm, I believe. Professional applications like Vegas use it heavily.The Vegas on the Dell rendered the video in 22 minutes while the Mac with FCP took 260 minutes. Then I put the same video on the Mac parallels in win XP and it took 66 minutes.
It's also significantly faster on equivalent hardware
I got that.
My point was that just the legacy support in OS X was bigger than total Win7 without legacy support removed. Got it?
Don, you are correct - the application also has a lot to do with it. In my development work the Mac system is significantly faster when compiling identical generic code. My photo editing tools are also faster on identical photos. Starting apps in OS-X also seems to be quicker than starting equivalent apps in Windows. I don't use the machine for much beyond that so I can't really say what other apps are faster or slower. YMMV.-snip- Again, it'a all about the applications, not about the OS alone!
That's what I read.That is true but the big difference in the size of the legacy support is because it is a totally different processor.
pro96-What source file did you use to do the Dell mini 10 install?
FWIW- I used a downloaded version that failed to work but most likely I didn't set the attributes correctly. I will be trying that again. Supposedly, others got an XPS m1210 to work but there is little info on how they did it with those files. I recall there are three flavors of Hackindos but I could only find one of them available to download. What I got was an install all the way to reboot and then it would just loop and never get to the registration screen.
I tried my $29 disk but it failed to recognize it was a bootable disk in the Dell.
Kind of a matter of interpretation but the simple explanation is you are correct. The way I look at it, The BOSS set the rules when he allowed discussions about hacking the iphone with jail breaking, what Apple clearly stated was a violation of their terms. Without getting into long never ending debate on it, the easy solution is if YOU feel uncomfortable with any thread here you don't have to participate. If The BOSS jumps in and says specifically, hacking the iphone is OK but hacking other Apple products is not, then we are obligated to follow his site rules. This is my personal view and not necessarily what's the site rules. I would agree it is a dark gray area just as is jailbreaking.