i noticed on this site here
http://dockets.justia.com/docket/arkansas/aredce/4:2011cv00386/86279/ that the case that sent luken communications into bankruptcy has the status of Withdrawal,
i was wondering what exactly that meant,
is that 47.4 million judgment no longer on luken communications,
i have seen no signs of an appeal of the judgment like articles have stated they were going to with the bankruptcy filing,
are they possibly just staying in bankruptcy for protection from another attempt to take control of retro tv,
why does this trustee want the network back especially with the fact that it receives no money from stations and does not really have programming contracts of any value,
did this trustee have some sort of investors that were lined up to invest in the network,
sure it has been stated that this trustee has said he would always be able get the network back,
did this trustee just want the satellite distribution and the affiliates,
if the judgment is no longer there than it would have to be proven that luken purposely destroyed the network in order for the trustee to get the network back
and would at the same time if no investors are lined up for the network that they have exactly nothing much to do with with no money from broadcasters no programming contracts of any value,
since bankruptcy's were reopened for this judgment against luken it makes you wonder what type of plan exists/existed in order for the company (equity media or cash services) to make the network viable and for a company to be able to exist with it
tried my best with punctuation and breaking up sentences not to good with all that will try better next time