Low signal strength on new installation


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Mar 26, 2012
Hi. First, i'm a total newbie, so please be patient and kind. Yesterday i had Dish installed in my condo - 1 Hopper and 2 Joeys. The rules of the condo association limited where the tech could place the dish (had to be on my balcony, couldn't be "permanently affixed", etc.), but the tech seemed confident that he could make it work. His first 2 attempts failed to get an adequate signal, and i guess i looked pathetic enough that he made another attempt.

What he ended up with was mounting my dish to a pole clamped to my balcony, with an extension to the pole to try to clear my roof, and then he ended up moving the pole higher up on the balcony railing to better clear the roof. When he did that, he said that, although i have a signal, it's "technically" below the minimum that Dish allows for HD. He gave me 2 choices 1) deal with low signal and continue with the install 2) take the dish down and cancel the install.

He said that i was getting a signal strength of 41 on his meter and Dish requires a signal of 52. I asked what the minimum number that would actually receive an HD signal was, and he said 20 (with a max of 52). The way he explained it, Dish requires a maximum signal (52), and anything less is a no-go technically. He said that gives you wiggle-room from 20-52 in case of a bad storm, and that a signal of 41 just means that, in bad weather, i'm more likely to lose a signal. He didn't seem to feel that it was likely, but he wanted to cover his butt. I told him to continue with the install, and i'm happy with the results so far.

My questions are:

1) Is there a way for me to monitor my signal strength?
2) The tech said that i'll probably get calls from Dish saying i have low signal and that they'll want to dispatch a tech. He said NOT to let them do that, b/c they'll charge for the visit, and they won't be able to improve things. Does this make sense, or is he trying to keep from getting in trouble for doing a "less than ideal install"?
3) The tech said that i'll also likely get a call from a quality-assurance person who'll want to check the install b/c of the low signal strength. He said that this visit would be free, but again it wouldn't accomplish anything except that he'll get written up for proceeding with the install. He said that they won't give me a choice on the visit, but i should just say that i won't be home for any of the times they can visit, and eventually they'll let it drop. I don't want to get the guy in trough b/c i really DO think he was doing me a favor, but i want to make sure that i'm not maybe keeping myself from getting a better signal somehow. What do you guys think?

Again, i'm new here, so please go easy on me! Thanks.

OK so I see you're in Chicago. What orbits or satellites is your Dish pointed to? Go to the Menu and then to the installation screen and click on system info. It should show you what satellites you are pointed to.
I'll do that when i get home. If it helps, i'm in the suburbs (Downers Grove, to be exact) and the he had to point the dish south-west instead of, apparently, the preferred south-east...
I'll do that when i get home. If it helps, i'm in the suburbs (Downers Grove, to be exact) and the he had to point the dish south-west instead of, apparently, the preferred south-east...

If it's pointed southwest, then most likely it's pointed to the three orbits: 110, 119, and 129. Let me give you this link that lists the minimum and average signal levels for each city. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0ArjTkH327MqqdGZqLUtBS1ZRUXdSNmhNeFl3V2pERmc&hl=en#gid=0

When you get home tonight, compare your signal levels to the one listed on the webpage for the Chicago area. To do this, go to Menu, click on Installation, then click on Point Dish. You'll need to check certain transponders for each orbit:

For 110 and 119, check transponders 14, 15, 16 and 21.
For 129, check transponders 19, 20, 29, and 30.

If your signal levels are below the minimum levels, see if you can get a tech to re-point your dish
If your signal levels for those transponders are above the minimum levels but below Average for the Chicago area, you should be OK, but more vulnerable to signal outages during storms.
If your signals are at or above average, the installation should be fine.:)
I'll check that when i go home for lunch and report back. I'm assuming that, from what you're saying, the tech is probably on the up-and-up since he said that i'll be fine but vulnerable to outages in a storm, like you said. If i'm below minimum and they send a tech out, what do they do if they can't improve on the signal? Do they cancel my service? Do they charge me for the service call? Do they shrug their shoulders, leave well enough alone, hope for the best, and write up the tech for doing the install anyway?

That I wouldn't know. You can send a PM to a Dish agent here on the fourm to answer those questions. They're listed at the bottom of the fourms page. http://www.satelliteguys.us/forum.php
They usually work with you a lot better than a regular customer service guy over the phone (believe me when I say they've actually been awarded for their outstanding service here.):)
If it's pointed southwest, then most likely it's pointed to the three orbits: 110, 119, and 129. Let me give you this link that lists the minimum and average signal levels for each city. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0ArjTkH327MqqdGZqLUtBS1ZRUXdSNmhNeFl3V2pERmc&hl=en#gid=0

When you get home tonight, compare your signal levels to the one listed on the webpage for the Chicago area. To do this, go to Menu, click on Installation, then click on Point Dish. You'll need to check certain transponders for each orbit:

For 110 and 119, check transponders 14, 15, 16 and 21.
For 129, check transponders 19, 20, 29, and 30.

If your signal levels are below the minimum levels, see if you can get a tech to re-point your dish
If your signal levels for those transponders are above the minimum levels but below Average for the Chicago area, you should be OK, but more vulnerable to signal outages during storms.
If your signals are at or above average, the installation should be fine.:)

Interested in this too but the link does not seem to work?

There's a link that says "this link will take you away from Satellite Guys". Click there, and you'll get to the spreadsheet.
So i checked my signal strength on the transponders you listed. Here's what i found:

110-14: 70 (63 is minimum)
110-15: 71 (65 is minimum)
110-16: 73 (67 is minimum)
110-21: 71 (68 is minimum)

119-14: 68 (58 is minimum)
119-15: 71 (68 is minimum)
119-16: 78 (69 is minimum)
119-21: 75 (71 is minimum)

129-19: 39 (45 is minimum)
129-20: 39 (43 is minimum)
129-29: 41 (44 is minimum)
129-30: 41 (43 is minimum)

So, what now? It essentially looks like all my HDs have low-ish numbers, but they don't look to be terribly below the minimum. Considering the tech said there was a problem getting line-of-site from where he was required to mount the dish and he put an extension on the pole, what more could another tech do? I'm thinking of holding tight until i have problems (hopefully i won't) or until Dish calls to ask why i have a low signal. Is this a bad idea? Any suggestions or advice?

- d
I Pm'd Raymond G from Dish on here to take a look at this thread. Looking at the numbers, looks like your Dish just needs a slight alignment or a fine tune to get the 129 numbers a bit higher, but that's really all I could think of. I'd figure it's best for a Dish agent to look into it and offer his opinion.
So i checked my signal strength on the transponders you listed. Here's what i found:

110-14: 70 (63 is minimum)
110-15: 71 (65 is minimum)
110-16: 73 (67 is minimum)
110-21: 71 (68 is minimum)

119-14: 68 (58 is minimum)
119-15: 71 (68 is minimum)
119-16: 78 (69 is minimum)
119-21: 75 (71 is minimum)

129-19: 39 (45 is minimum)
129-20: 39 (43 is minimum)
129-29: 41 (44 is minimum)
129-30: 41 (43 is minimum)

So, what now? It essentially looks like all my HDs have low-ish numbers, but they don't look to be terribly below the minimum. Considering the tech said there was a problem getting line-of-site from where he was required to mount the dish and he put an extension on the pole, what more could another tech do? I'm thinking of holding tight until i have problems (hopefully i won't) or until Dish calls to ask why i have a low signal. Is this a bad idea? Any suggestions or advice?

- d
You are just fine. Mid 40's is just fine for HD's as well. Rain Fade will take you down to 30's which is still perfect. I wouldn't worry about it in any way. Enjoy watching TV. You won't get a better reception if you get slightly higher numbers.

Remember, a Perfect watchable signal is 15. Although most will disagree but it does work. You are in the mid 40's.
I Pm'd Raymond G from Dish on here to take a look at this thread. Looking at the numbers, looks like your Dish just needs a slight alignment or a fine tune to get the 129 numbers a bit higher, but that's really all I could think of. I'd figure it's best for a Dish agent to look into it and offer his opinion.

You sent me a PM at the same time the OP sent me one. I appreciate you giving me a heads up!
Just wanted to thank you guys for the information and to give a shout-out to DIRT guy extraordinaire Raymond. Raymond and I have exchanged PMs about this, and I feel much better about the situation.

I think it's incredible that this forum has such knowledgeably helpful members, and I'm impressed that there are Dish people here who can give out good information and help us out directly. I am REALLY glad that I chose Dish and feel great about my decision to subscribe to their service!


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