This is due to 125w fired up now. Smaller reflectors may no longer play well due to the close proximity of 125. If your dish is 2 degree compliant you should be able to tweak it to null out the adjacent bird. I went through this with my 84 cm dish over a month ago. Since my dish is 2 degree compliant I was able to bump the azimuth and elevation a tad and get good solid signal again. I you do that and still can't get results you will need to get a better efficiency or larger reflector to resolve this.
I might just try tweaking my GEOsatPro 90cm to try and peak the sig.
A 90 cm dish should work well with 2 degree spacing unless the reflector is poorly shaped or warped. As you get towards 85cm and below that's where the problems start, unless they were designed very well. An 80cm antenna with a 75% efficiency will work much better than one rated at 60%. My 84cm has a 73% efficiency with a very good parabola so it worked well with this problem. Others here with poorly designed dishes had to swap to another dish to solve the issue.
Hey thanks Bro, you just gave me an idea,I have a brand new spare 90cm dish so I might just throw it up in place of the other and see if there's a diff in signal strength. My GEOSATpro might be warped. Then once I take it down I can check it over and straighten it if needed.