Louisville, KY HD locals

What you are reading is correct, but there's a caveat; they're on the 77°W satellite as part of the Eastern Arc. Also, notice it says MPEG-4 which means you need a ViP receiver and one of the new encryption cards. You also need a 1000.4 dish pointed at 61.5°W, 72.7°W, and 77°W.
What does that mean for others in this market? I have been a dish customer for 10 years & just upgraded to HD in August. Am I just SOL or will they "soon" add them to 110/119 where the SD locals are?
as an existing customer, all you have to is call and they will schedule you a new dish 1000.4 for free and no commitment. Contrary to what everyone else say about existing customers not getting EA, not true, my parents are scheduled for their new Dish to recieve Harrisburg, pa HD locals this Saturday.
I can confirm as well, I'm in the Cincinnati market and the locals are on 77, i have the install scheduled for tomorrow to put in the new dish. I've been with dish for about 18 months.
Dish for 77

I just got off the phone with Dish and they will be installing a new dish to get 77 this Monday so I can get HD locals here in the Louisville area. She said she was not for sure which dish they will be using with my setup. I'm not a new customer.
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Your HD locals will be on 77°W, probably never on 110, 119 or 129.

Is there any way to find that out for sure?????? For me that means that I may have to run all new cabling from the dish to inside the house. No thanks. I had to run this myself, because I did not want installers falling through the ceiling or screwing up things in the crawl space. The other option would be to have a 2nd dish installed........no thanks. I don't mind one dish, but I sure don't want a 2nd.

Just checked the website. Only ABC, NBC & CBS in HD. Where are the remaining stations?
I'm in the Little Rock area, but thought I'd chime in on this thread, since we're all kind of in the same boat.

I called Dish this afternoon, and spent probably 30 minutes on the phone with "someone" who finally told me it would cost $99.00 to get the dish installed that I needed to get the new HD local channels.

I was willing to pay this (anything to FINALLY get HD locals), but did question her in regards to the comments on this thread. She again put me on hold, and finally came back and said she could do nothing further for me, but could put me in touch with another department that might be able to help me.

The next guy told me no problem.....that I should be able to get the channels, and it was a technical issue, and he'd have someone come out and correct it for me....that it didn't require a new dish.

I told him that I didn't fully understand the ins and outs of sat TV, but I did know my current dish was pointed to satellites 110, 119, and 129 (think thats the ones), and asked him if he could explain how I could get programming off of satellite 77.

He put me on hold a while longer and came back and told me that I would indeed need a new dish. Said they'd take down the current one and install one that could get all 3 of the current satellite's I'm pointed too, as well as the 77 satellite.

Hmmmm....does this sound right????

He assured me that I would be pointed to all 4 with the one dish.

The one kicker, that I can live with, is they had to turn off the local channels (although, they're still on at this point) before he could schedule the new install that will include HD locals.
What you are reading is correct, but there's a caveat; they're on the 77°W satellite as part of the Eastern Arc. Also, notice it says MPEG-4 which means you need a ViP receiver and one of the new encryption cards. You also need a 1000.4 dish pointed at 61.5°W, 72.7°W, and 77°W.

It beats me why anyone would pay for HD feeds of local stations when they are available over the air for free. Can anyone out there tell me why people do this? :confused:
It beats me why anyone would pay for HD feeds of local stations when they are available over the air for free. Can anyone out there tell me why people do this? :confused:
I will gladly do it, since I live over 50 miles from the stations, and there is quite a bit of rugged terrain between me and them. I've yet to find anyone who says I can get the HD quality at that distance considering the terrain.

I've talked to several people who sell antennae's in this area, and none have had good results.
Because we can't get them!

It beats me why anyone would pay for HD feeds of local stations when they are available over the air for free. Can anyone out there tell me why people do this? :confused:

Apparently you have never been outside your little box! Due to distance and terrain it is not possible for everyone to get their "locals" via OTA. So, wake up and smell the roses! Can anyone out there tell me why some people are not aware there is a whole world outside their own little box?
It beats me why anyone would pay for HD feeds of local stations when they are available over the air for free. Can anyone out there tell me why people do this? :confused:

For me, yes, I do get good OTA coverage, but when recording (vip622) I can only record one local HD show at a time. I would LOVE to be able to record as many as 3 at one time. Plus, with the SAT HD LIL the file sizes will be much smaller (mpeg4) so that is a nice benefit as well. Also, since I already pay for locals there is no extra monthly charge for the HD LIL (just whatever I may have to pay upfront for pointing to the 77 satellite).
For those that are having the 1000.4 satellite installed is that in addition or in replace of the current dish? I'd like to do this so I can get the HD locals, but don't want two dishes on my house.
In Louisville 41 and 15 do have HD over the air but as of now you will not be able to get HD on 41 or 15 from the satellite. I will not have to pay for the upgrade or extend my contract. I'm hoping they will be able to hit 77 with a single dish because I live in the woods and it's not easy, I'll probably entice the installer with a very large tip if he can get it. One other note when they set this up they disconnected my locals. She said after I get 77 they will come back. This means I'm out of luck for the locals on the satellite until the install.

wbay green bay dropped from dish network

Problems with Channels on 110
