Lost signal from all three Sats

Not everybody is watching from the same uplinks at the same time. If everyone was watching The Weather Channel with me, then Charlie would not need all of the bandwidth.

If you do a Check Switch when you are not receiving any Satellite signals, then the receiver cannot detect any satellites and lets you know there is a (possible) problem with something, such as, dish fell off the house, cable cut, switch on fire, and etc...

Maybe the icon on the upper left screen on TWC and be used to let us know there may soon be a weather related outage. :D
Lost 129 (every TP) for a very long time...over 20 minutes, which hasn't happened since I put up the 24" dish for 129 a couple of months ago. Was finally able to get "unstuck" from the search for the sat and got back onto a channel on 110, which was working fine. Turned it off at about 8:40ish and went to bed.

Must've been one nasty storm in CO...
Yes, an official notice from E* is absolutely essential. I'd like an official notice just like the official notices i always receive(d) from Time Warner when my cable or my internet went out for some brief period of time. Time Warner would normally call me in advance and say, "hey listen, that contractor building a house an 1/8 of a mile away from you is accidentally going to cut though some cable thirty minutes from now. we just wanted to let you know your service is going to be interrupted in a bit. sorry for the inconvenience." HA! -The reality 95% of the time when my TW service went out and I called, I'd get this message: "You are NOT in an outage area". - Ha!, tell my TV and family that!

Get on the ball E*! Your subscribers can not handle being without TV for 30 mins with no notification. You must let them know what happened. How dare you have an interruption in service two times in a week without putting out a press release. Read through this thread E*, and see the terror that you caused your subscribers. Shame on you E*, didn't you see that bad-boy storm coming? - LOL.
No Beer and No TV Make Homer Go Crazy! No Beer and No TV Make Homer Go Crazy! No Beer and No TV Make Homer Go Crazy!No Beer and No TV Make Homer Go Crazy!No Beer and No TV Make Homer Go Crazy!No Beer and No TV Make Homer Go Crazy!No Beer and No TV Make Homer Go Crazy!No Beer and No TV Make Homer Go Crazy!No Beer and No TV Make Homer Go Crazy!No Beer and No TV Make Homer Go Crazy!No Beer and No TV Make Homer Go Crazy!No Beer and No TV Make Homer Go Crazy!No Beer and No TV Make Homer Go Crazy!No Beer and No TV Make Homer Go Crazy!No Beer and No TV Make Homer Go Crazy!No Beer and No TV Make Homer Go Crazy!
No Beer and No TV Make Homer Go Crazy!No Beer and No TV Make Homer Go Crazy!No Beer and No TV Make Homer Go Crazy!No Beer and No TV Make Homer Go Crazy!No Beer and No TV Make Homer Go Crazy!No Beer and No TV Make Homer Go Crazy!No Beer and No TV Make Homer Go Crazy!No Beer and No TV Make Homer Go Crazy!

NightRyder ;)
Wow, some people are really dense. I'm sure the people being hit hardest from the flooding in the mid-west (losing their homes, etc..) from these storms probably have their satellite reception as the last thing on their list to worry about. People should be thankful it's only their reception there losing, and not their lives or their home. It's just TV people (that was down for 20 minutes), get over it.
Wow, some people are really dense. I'm sure the people being hit hardest from the flooding in the mid-west (losing their homes, etc..) from these storms probably have their satellite reception as the last thing on their list to worry about. People should be thankful it's only their reception there losing, and not their lives or their home. It's just TV people (that was down for 20 minutes), get over it.

Yes, that is a terrible thing.. but has NOTHING to do with this thread. There are also starving people in Africa, so I should be thankful that my 622 crashed, since I have enough to eat.
Wow, some people are really dense. I'm sure the people being hit hardest from the flooding in the mid-west (losing their homes, etc..) from these storms probably have their satellite reception as the last thing on their list to worry about. People should be thankful it's only their reception there losing, and not their lives or their home. It's just TV people (that was down for 20 minutes), get over it.

If you don't have anything contructive to say technically relating to the topic, then please keeps those types of comments to yourself. That's just unnecessary.
Daily ?? Odd because if it's an issue at the uplink center, EVERYONE would be affected "daily" and that doesn't appear to be the case.

That's the problem though. There is no official release to explain what's going on, and it's apparent something is happening. The weather might not even be the cause of these outages. Also, I generally seem to have the problem when watching an HD channel, but have experience on a SD channel. I do have a service tech coming out today or tomorrow just to rule out signal and switch issues, but I have a feeling they will find nothing wrong.
Illinois, lost 119 8/22/07 about 10:30pm cst.. and 6.15 shortly after.
Got them back in under 30-mins. after 2 check switches and a hard reset.

I had the same problems at exactly the same time. WExactly the same check switches with the same results. Random channels coming and going, but once I did the check switch, the affected sats became unviewable. I live less than 40 miles south of the Cheyenne uplink, so I went out and checked the sky. There were only a few scattered clouds, and nothing so thick that it would have messed the uplink from Cheyenne.

We currently have a cold front passing through, and heavy clouds are building to the north of us. If anything is going to happen to the uplink, I would guess fairly soon. I'll keep an eye out and report.
I could almost believe him, if it wasn't for the errors on the type of satellites being used, how many satellites are used by the various subscription packages, and if he knew how to tell time, especially West = +UTC, while everything East = UTC.

0000 UTC might equal 1900 EST (2000 EDT), but
0000 UTC does not equal 5AM EST, the day before or the day after.

I didn't finish reading it, but it looks like he might be in bed with TIVO trying to patent "Time Jump" to go with "Time Shift".:D

It's that Russian guy that has been getting pissed at us lately, he probably cranked up the VHF Weather Changers they were screwing with back in the 70's.:D:D
He probably skipped the mushrooms and went straight for the cow patties. :D:D
Whether this was a DHS blackout test or the actual result of solar activity is currently unknown, and may remain as such.
Probably just trying to start rumors and email spam.
So everything is up and running now? I had same problems with 110, 119 and 61.5 on HD channels the past two nights. I called Tech Support last night and they couldn't figure it out and scheduled a service call for tomorrow. :mad:

Should I cancel? I really appreciate everyone's expertise and advice here! :)
Yes, an official notice from E* is absolutely essential. I'd like an official notice just like the official notices i always receive(d) from Time Warner when my cable or my internet went out for some brief period of time. Time Warner would normally call me in advance and say, "hey listen, that contractor building a house an 1/8 of a mile away from you is accidentally going to cut though some cable thirty minutes from now. we just wanted to let you know your service is going to be interrupted in a bit. sorry for the inconvenience." HA! -The reality 95% of the time when my TW service went out and I called, I'd get this message: "You are NOT in an outage area". - Ha!, tell my TV and family that!

Get on the ball E*! Your subscribers can not handle being without TV for 30 mins with no notification. You must let them know what happened. How dare you have an interruption in service two times in a week without putting out a press release. Read through this thread E*, and see the terror that you caused your subscribers. Shame on you E*, didn't you see that bad-boy storm coming? - LOL.

By far the best post of the thread!
I guess Dish could call all 13.6 million customers whenever something happens. Or maybe they could stop by each subs house in person, knock on the door and explain what is happening. :rolleyes:

Push Guide to show all Channels

My VIP 222 is a piece of junk
