Lost Local Mapping on 811 after software update


Original poster
Dec 17, 2003
Once the new version of software was down loaded on the 811, all of the Local Digital channel mapping changed to the original location, I check with a friend who also has an 811, he said the same thing happened to him. It was working before the new software download. Anyone else having this problem? We are located in Phoenix. :?
Rescan the locals and see if that works. We lost the CBS channel in the Dallas area after the software update because it got remapped from 11-01 to 19-01.
The problem is it is not holding the mapping, it is remapping to the actual channel, not the correct mapped channel.

Me and several others on this forum have the mapping problem caused by the new update. Hopefully Dish will fix it soon as it's quite annoying.

I live in the Phoenix area and have a 6000,do you mean by remapping
when you scan digital channel 36 it changes it 12 or that digital 31
changes to 10,if this is what you mean it's only associating itself to the
parent analog station.The signal is still digital or HD depending on what
the scanner says.My 6000 did this on all our local stations except channel
45(UPN) which it left as 26.1 and 26.2.If this is not what you meant sorry
for this response if it is what you meant you don't have a problem.
I have a 6000 also it works fine, the 811 maps channel 17.1 to channel 5.1 like the 6000, then when you go to channel 5.1 it remaps back to 17.1 and stays there. What a pain.
I see what you mean,I get the exact same problem with my
6000 on digital 31,it puts it in the guide as 10 but when I try
to look at 10.1 it shows a signal of 85 and freezes up.Then
it changes it back to 31 and still freezes up,it did'nt do this when
I got the reciver 3 months ago,only after the last S/W update
to the 6000.Sounds like a similar problem to the 811.
Congratulations to Dish for releasing an update that screwed up things even more!

Now, after the update, I even have problems turning off the 811, sometimes it takes about 10 seconds after I press the power button for the unit to turn itself off.


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