Lost live TV - HD Tivo?

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Active SatelliteGuys Member
Original poster
Mar 18, 2004
I had my HD Tivo hooked up a week ago today. So far no problems, I've been loving it. However, I was just watching tv and all of a sudden I lost the picture and got a message that the receiver was acquiring data and I could watch now playing but not live tv. There was a status bar that got to 70% and then said sorry could not acquire data. Then, it started downloading again - got to 90% and never moved. I hit live tv button and began watching again tv again. PVR buffer had been reset.
Anyone know WTF happened?

Ok - obviously it was just the HD unit, or just the location it is in. The bedroom DTV Tivo obviously did not have this happen. The buffer for it never reset, it goes back the full 30 minutes - the HD Tivo only goes back 10 minutes or so, the amount of time since it screwed up.
I'll feel better if it was an anomaly "network wide" at least that would mean it wasn't our receivers specifically :) !
MikeD-C05 said:
Revenge by tivo , because Directv is going to drop them in the near future maybe?
2007 is the near future? I only ask because they are under contract until then. Dropped or purchased, that is the real question.
IF Rupert is smart,we know he has the money, he could buy Tivo and then incorporte it into all his Sky dvr boxes that he wants to add to Directv. He doesn't have to keep the little Tivo guy on the front of the boxes if that is his hangup. He could keep the functionality with Tivo though and everyone would win. I sure wish Charlie with Dish would have bought them instead though. I would have loved a Dishtivo.
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