I have had the same problem with my 622 - this has been frustrating. For me, the problems have involved recording OTA channels - the record time duration is usually screwed up on the recorded show when this occurs. I've gotten the black screen and also have had the 622 lock up. One thing I noticed was that even though you are recording an OTA with tuner 1, you can watch the channel that was tuned in when the recording started, even though it was a different channel (the DVR is not supposed to work this way, but instead should switch to the same channel being recorded; the 522 I had would switch to the channel it was recording). If you attempt to change the channel you are watching (even though it is a different channel than being recorded), the recording continues, but that's when things can go bad (which makes sense). This feature has been nice, allowing me to watch the NBA playoffs on TNTHD while I am recording an OTA channel at the same time. As long as I don't attempt to change channels when this situation is occuring, I don't seem to have problems. I have not noticed the blank screen problem when recording with tuner 2. I hope E* gets this fixed.