hi guys,i have solved the problem..hope you understand this,the person who never had a problem only watched his tv at night (as i said before our problen started at about 8 pm every night),so by chance we found that he had a electric 2 bar fire with a red light for display to make the room look warmer ,he never uses the electric bars,so we tested the fire,when he puts the fire on we lose our picture and when he turns the fire off we get no problem,so he never puts the fire on and we no longer get a problem,,,what do you make of that ????.....thanks for all your help,i have learned a lot from you all[/quote
One day the neighbor tells me that his tv has had steady intermittent cycling interference for months, like there was a welder running somewhere close by. He had checked with all the neighbors and no such thing. So after a bad fish experience, we get rid of our really little aquarium with it's little electric tube heater and his interference stopped. We said nothing.