Loss of connection of MVR receiver

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SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Apr 9, 2005
Tucson, Az
I installed the Directv Cinema Connection Kit (DCCK) Saturday and now I am loosing the connection to the DVR in the other room while I am trying to watch a program that was recorded.
It has has happened while watcing several different shows. The screen just freezes and then I get an error message that the connection to the BEDRM receiver has been lost.
I am using HR24s in each room. Standard connection. Installed DCCK per the instruction manual. I can download VOD fine. Any help would be great.
This is a common problem with MRV when using the CCK. The solution is to assign a Static IP address to each receiver.

Menu > Parental, Fav's, & Setup > System Setup > Network Setup > Advanced Setup

You'll see a bunch of numbers. The first line is the IP. You'll notice it is something like (most likely a three digit number at the end unless you are using a Fios router)

Leave everything the same in the IP EXCEPT the last set, change it to a TWO digit number (ie:
Everything else (Subnet Mask, Gateway, DNS) stays the same.

Arrow over to Connect Now and press Select. A test screen will come up. It should show your new settings (with OK after each), Network: Coax Connected, Internet: Connected

Hit Continue/Done, then you can exit. Repeat this procedure on every one of your receivers, using a different two digit number for each (ie: 80,81,82,83). If two boxes get the same number, neither will work on the network.

You shouldn't have any disconnects after this is done.
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CORRECT! I have asked a couple of times for this topic & answer to be provided it's OWN area or at least a sticky, because it is a constantly reoccurring Q&A nearly everyday as most people, even those that claim to manage their own networks and have setup their own gear, have almost no idea how they really work or should be setup.
Its the wireless one. Seems the box is getting hot also. Not sure if this is normal either. I will give the assigning static IP when I get home.
The boxes do get hot, that's normal.

Wired or wireless doesn't matter with this problem. The issue lies with dynamic (automatically assigned by a router) IP addresses.

If you use MRV (over DECA) as a standalone system without a connection to a router, the receivers assign themselves a static "link-local" IP that does not expire.

But when you add the CCK (providing a connection to a DHCP router), all of the receivers then depend on your router to assign them IP addresses. This is all fine and dandy, except when for whatever reason the IP lease fails to renew. In the time it takes the receiver to get a new IP, the receivers lose sync with each other and the MRV cloud falls apart.

So technically the issue lies with your router and the way it handles the dynamic IP's, but there's nothing that can be done about that. That's why you have the option to set a static IP on the receivers.
JerseyMatt said:
The boxes do get hot, that's normal.

Wired or wireless doesn't matter with this problem. The issue lies with dynamic (automatically assigned by a router) IP addresses.

If you use MRV (over DECA) as a standalone system without a connection to a router, the receivers assign themselves a static "link-local" IP that does not expire.

But when you add the CCK (providing a connection to a DHCP router), all of the receivers then depend on your router to assign them IP addresses. This is all fine and dandy, except when for whatever reason the IP lease fails to renew. In the time it takes the receiver to get a new IP, the receivers lose sync with each other and the MRV cloud falls apart.

So technically the issue lies with your router and the way it handles the dynamic IP's, but there's nothing that can be done about that. That's why you have the option to set a static IP on the receivers.

I only was asking because some people hook up the Ethernet cable and in turn disabled the deca in the receiver.
Yeah but he said he is using a CCK, and it freezes while watching a recording.. If he just plugged into the ethernet jack on the receiver, MRV wouldn't work at all (unless it was specifically configured as such). This is a known issue with both the wired and wireless CCK's.
I know it's a known issue, being a tech I see it all too often "I plugged this cable in the back to get my cinema plus and now I can't watch recordings" that's what I thought happened but I guess I should've read the WHOLE story before commenting :)
Changed IP on both receivers and all is now good. Thanks for the assistance. Glad it was something simple.
The boxes do get hot, that's normal.

Wired or wireless doesn't matter with this problem. The issue lies with dynamic (automatically assigned by a router) IP addresses.

If you use MRV (over DECA) as a standalone system without a connection to a router, the receivers assign themselves a static "link-local" IP that does not expire.

But when you add the CCK (providing a connection to a DHCP router), all of the receivers then depend on your router to assign them IP addresses. This is all fine and dandy, except when for whatever reason the IP lease fails to renew. In the time it takes the receiver to get a new IP, the receivers lose sync with each other and the MRV cloud falls apart.

So technically the issue lies with your router and the way it handles the dynamic IP's, but there's nothing that can be done about that. That's why you have the option to set a static IP on the receivers.

you can also reserve the ip in ur router if it supports it i have my 2 hd boxes hr24 and h 25 set up on reserved so the router never has to renew it
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HR25-500 HD Rec (newbie, take it easy)

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