Lord of the Rings FINALLY given Blu-Ray Release Date

I would prefer the extended version for home viewing too, especially this series and an extended version for Star Wars series too. Home viewing is a totally different environment than the theater. Go over 2 hours in a movie theater, especially one that is crowded and it is an experience in torture. At home, I can really get into a story and do what I want. If the movie is slow moving but otherwise OK, I can FF a little if I want. I love home theater and hope the producers understand the difference and give us extended versions for home viewing. WE can also do our own intermissions and the directors can offer their preferred intermissions too. Home viewing should have all these options. That's why home viewers pay quite a bit more to buy movies than the people who go to the theater.
The only one of the 3 movies that adds anything of substance with the extended version is the first one, so I won't wait to get them on Blu-ray.
I think it pretty much sucks we do not have all 6 Star Wars movies on Blu-ray with lossless audio.

Stupid Lucas... how long was it that he made us wait for the DVD versions? Between this and Indiana Jones, he's holding out on a lot of Blu-Ray customers... As much as he seems to like to cash in on Star Wars over and over again (and in increasingly stupid ways), you'd think he'd be all over this.

The only one of the 3 movies that adds anything of substance with the extended version is the first one, so I won't wait to get them on Blu-ray.

I actually thought the second added quite a bit of good character development (especially with Faramir) and some of my favorite parts from the book, but I'm fine with the normal versions just because the PQ on the theatrical DVD's I have is pretty crappy compared to the extended versions. If I want to watch the extended, I can live with the DVD's.
Stupid Lucas... how long was it that he made us wait for the DVD versions? Between this and Indiana Jones, he's holding out on a lot of Blu-Ray customers... As much as he seems to like to cash in on Star Wars over and over again (and in increasingly stupid ways), you'd think he'd be all over this.

Lucas is a master at building anticipation and in releasing this stuff in bits and pieces. I know people who have bought Episode 4 nine times in increasingly 'better' versions (VHS, original laserdisc, uncompressed laserdisc, CAV laserdisc, widescreen laserdisc, Trilogy remaster laserdisc, 'definitive collection' laserdisc, original DVD and 'improved' DVD.

I can almost guarantee that the first Blu Ray release will be substandard. Probably the 'improved' version only with few extras. A year later, we will see the 'definitive' version and who knows what after that. But, he will wait until people are screaming for a BR release and are willing to buy anything at the inflated price they always sell for. You can bet on the fact that these releases will set a record price for a single movie on BR (probably $60 per title)
Lucas is a master at building anticipation and in releasing this stuff in bits and pieces. I know people who have bought Episode 4 nine times in increasingly 'better' versions (VHS, original laserdisc, uncompressed laserdisc, CAV laserdisc, widescreen laserdisc, Trilogy remaster laserdisc, 'definitive collection' laserdisc, original DVD and 'improved' DVD.

I have 3 versions of the VHS and 1 version of the DVD. I refused to buy the theatrical release of the DVD with just Stereo sound.

I can almost guarantee that the first Blu Ray release will be substandard. Probably the 'improved' version only with few extras. A year later, we will see the 'definitive' version and who knows what after that. But, he will wait until people are screaming for a BR release and are willing to buy anything at the inflated price they always sell for. You can bet on the fact that these releases will set a record price for a single movie on BR (probably $60 per title)

If they are priced at that price, then this is one person that will not buy them. I have had enough of his crap. I collected the Star Wars figures for a long time and when they kept repackaging the same figures on new cards that sent me over the top and I am selling everything now, but my vintage stuff.
Luckily, I have not bought into Swars YET, other than VHS we had. I started to buy a few years back, until I got into Bray in early 2007 and I decided I'd wait.
Lucas is a master at building anticipation and in releasing this stuff in bits and pieces. I know people who have bought Episode 4 nine times in increasingly 'better' versions (VHS, original laserdisc, uncompressed laserdisc, CAV laserdisc, widescreen laserdisc, Trilogy remaster laserdisc, 'definitive collection' laserdisc, original DVD and 'improved' DVD.

I can almost guarantee that the first Blu Ray release will be substandard. Probably the 'improved' version only with few extras. A year later, we will see the 'definitive' version and who knows what after that. But, he will wait until people are screaming for a BR release and are willing to buy anything at the inflated price they always sell for. You can bet on the fact that these releases will set a record price for a single movie on BR (probably $60 per title)

You would think, though, that if that was his plan he would have already released a "substandard" version by now. How many different DVD versions have come out in the last couple of years - he could just use the same masters and throw them in a blue box, and people would buy them because they're desperate for SW on BD. Then, after all of the uproar about the crappy quality, he can come out with the aforementioned "better" versions a year later, and all of the "sheep" who read the reviews and held out on the first one would rush in to buy the new ones, knowing full well that we'd been had....

Back on the original topic, though - Best Buy is giving away a free Steelbook case with pre-orders of the LOTR trilogy, and is now selling it for $64.99, which is comparable to what other retailers are doing. The Steelbook is not a huge deal, but it looks pretty cool, and if you're going to get it for free, why not?
I'm still on the fence. I'll probably end up getting it anyways and pass it on when/if the extended version comes out.

I've seen them so many times, I can wait. Will just get set up to do the new Hobbit, and all 3 on Blu-ray in a marathon. We have pretty much quit going to the Theater.
I've become a big fan of extended length versions. Just more of a good thing I guess, and that obviously applies only to movies I like otherwise. Recent examples include DaVinci Code and Angels & Demons. This might be because it's usually movies where I read the books first. The movies leave a lot out and putting some of it back helps. (A&D is not really a good example of that since the movie departed from the book a good bit.) Maybe it's just because it gives me more time to eat popcorn and drink beer...!

I also recently saw the EL version of Good/Bad/Ugly (recorded it) for the first time and enjoyed that as well. I didn't realize it was EL until I began hitting scenes I didn't remember! That one has been out since '03 however. A long-time favorite of mine. (I did not read the book.)

Back OT - I am also a big fan of LoTR / Hobbitt, having read them all several times. I recorded the EL versions of the LoTR series back in May '09, but with all the figgin' commercials unfortunately. Nonetheless, that made me want those versions when available on BD, so it looks like I'll be waiting for a bit as well. I'd like to see them eventually bundled with the Hobbit(s) included as well...
This is theater release set, wait around 2012 they going to release extended version on blu-ray set… then buy it so am I , BUT cant wait, this set just a double dip not gonna get foo again!
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I am definitely going to wait until the extended versions come out. Of course if the 3 are sold really cheap for some reason I might be tempted to pick up. I really like the extended version far better than the theater release.
Yep. Just read the posts at Amazon on this.

I'll also wait for the extended/enhanced/super-duper version to come out. Then I'll buy it for my wife.
I am definitely going to wait until the extended versions come out. Of course if the 3 are sold really cheap for some reason I might be tempted to pick up. I really like the extended version far better than the theater release.

If I could get Fellowship for under $20, that would hold me over until the extended edition comes out. As it is, I have a HD archive of the trilogy already. So annoying that they are doing this. But not surprising
A bit off topic, but we should start a betting pool as to how many versions of Star Wars BD there will be... Will probably make this look like nothing.

I doubt it. There are only 2 versions on DVD.

Clash of the Titans

Panasonic Blu-ray To Support DivX Plus HD System

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