Looks Like Lin is back!

I feel sorry for you DirectTV subs. DirectTV usually just rolls over and pays whatever the provider asks, passing the increase on to YOU... Could that be the reason why we have about 30 more channels in HD than you do, and these are channels that I actually watch.

I know your remarks were at Directv Sub, however I have Time Warner and we have over 100 hd channels too.
I wouldn't know....I took up Crime Warner on a promo for two years to get the channels I wanted.

And of course, they never have these issues either, right? :)

The reality is that these retransmission agreements will keep coming up more and more. The locals are all too often not owned locally, but by some comglomerate that wants to try to make a killing by charging to carry their free stations. They chose to be OTA stations which means they shouldn't be allowed to charge anyone to get their channel since you and I are already paying for them to use OUR airwaves.
LOL I love this, when they pulled wthi at 2AM ET they claimed 140% increase, now it's 175%.... Something smells fishy here to me, and right now it isn't LIN
No, it's "against the law" to provide channels from another market.

Not even when I live in Massachusetts? This whole distant market thing is just dumb. I can understand them not being able to offer me the locals from say New York. But what's ridiculous is I live in Raynham, MA. Practically the halfway point between Boston, MA and Providence, RI. Providence is 35 miles from me, Boston is 38 miles. In a case like mine, dont see why they couldnt offer us Dish subscribers the Boston locals. Even when i had cable, I always had the Boston locals.
Our ABC and CBS affilate recently went HD Locally. Our LIN/Fox Affillate has been taking a lot of heat for not going HD. They couldn't afford it. Guess they thought Dish was going to be the cash cow that paid for their upgrade..
Not even when I live in Massachusetts? This whole distant market thing is just dumb. I can understand them not being able to offer me the locals from say New York. But what's ridiculous is I live in Raynham, MA. Practically the halfway point between Boston, MA and Providence, RI. Providence is 35 miles from me, Boston is 38 miles. In a case like mine, dont see why they couldnt offer us Dish subscribers the Boston locals. Even when i had cable, I always had the Boston locals.

remember this the next time your in the voting booth... hint hint....
I agree with dish on the Retrans Fees, but blocking the EPG info for the OTA tuners is a PITA. I just sent the following to president at dishnetwork.com:
Yes why is there no guide data? If their doing this to help the customer as stated then supplying the guide data that would be a slap in the face for LIN allowing dish customers to use the dvr
Yes why is there no guide data? If their doing this to help the customer as stated then supplying the guide data that would be a slap in the face for LIN allowing dish customers to use the dvr
Send a note as well. The more people that complain the more likely that something MIGHT be done.
Is it NOT possible to separate the OTA Guide Data From the Satellite channel Guide Data? Or is it possible to send the correct OTA Data while maintaining the Data on the Sat. channel that blames LIN for the loss.
Except for football on the fox station I lost, I never watch either one. My wife has to have american idol but I can get that thru my cable line from my modem which has all the locals on my tv's with digital tuners, just no dvr. About the only way to apply any pressure on lin is for a organized effort to call each station's advertisers and let them know they are reaching less potential customers in their area. If the advertisers threaten to spend their ad budget with the stations that reach all the customers in their area lin might have second thoughts about this tactic. If Dish , Direct and the others that "get held for ransom from these greedy owners that are trying to profit more on what was always intended to be a ad based business model" will start a web site that list's the affected station's advertisers with their phone numbers and people call in to complain every day to say they will not shop with them because of this, then maybe this will stop happening all the time. Dish, "Charlie" , are you listening? It's time to use a new tactic, calling to complain to lin or other station owners is a waste of time, but calling their biggest source of revenue "ADVERTISERS" will get results.
As I said, the more folks that complain, the more likely SOMETHING would be done. I would think they could send the OTA Guide info for the -01's the same way they send OTA info for the other sub channels.
This is awesome! I'm ten for eleven on convincing people I know (friends, family, neighbors, coworkers) to dump their dish and switch to cable, and even after promos are up all ten and still with TW. The satellite companies have made it easy and all I have to do paint a picture and use some key wording in making my case. The one person who I can't get to switch? My own uncle who got Dish Notwork the same day we did in December of 1998. Now with no CBS for the CSIs, NCISs and Criminal Minds', combined with how much he hates his DVRs I think I can finally break through to him. Hopefully tomorrow I can score my eleventh Time Warner service referral and be a perfect 11/11 on making people see the light.
Of course Direct has issues, and Dish may be right in this case, but Dish plays much more games than the others during the negotiations. They have lost Fox channels, Disney channels, along with sports and others. Some channels came back, but some didn't, like Smithsonian.

I understand trying to get the best deal, but it always seems that customers are affected more under Dish than the other providers.

I may not have as much HD as Dish, but I have a stability that I like with Direct, and as far as costs, they are all about the same. In fact the lease of the receivers is less with Direct than others, and I don't have to worry about a DVR fee if I don't connect a phone line
Swapping to cable might work in the metro areas, but many of us live in the "sticks" where if there is cable available, it sucks...

Tell me about it!!

Where I'm at, we have Mediacom. Not many HD channels at all and won't be until they decide to go all digital. But even with the paltry selection they have now, they do a bit of tiering to make it interesting, all the while saying that HD is free. When I switched my internet to them, they made some very sweet offers to do the 3-fer deal and I did look closely. But at the end of the day, I didn't need or want the telephone service and their TV channel selection in HD wasn't good at all, not to mention no HD VOD coupled with a pee-poor HDDVR.

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