Looks Like Lin is back!

Never knew that. I may try that this evening. I've been using a p2p site to see most of the games over the internet. Quality varies, but at lest I'm able to see them.

I have a hdtv in my kitchen that is hooked up to just cable; but I do a rescan of digitial cable channels and then find the game. Off the top of my head it was on some crazy 87.1459 channel on Sunday evening. If TW keeps it up, I just might resub to dish this summer after my TW promo and NHCI subscription are up, because there is no comparison in the dvr and stb.
Oh really. Could you specify EXACTLY how you know which corporation is at "fault" in this dispute? My guess is that you are not actually privy to these specific negotiations and are simply expressing an "opinion".
I form my opinion based that I haven't seen any evidence that Dish is asking for a rate reduction that LIN is balking at. If that was what happened and Dish pulled the stations I would agree that they were at fault. Everything I've seen shows that the issue is a LIN rate increase demand of more than 100% that Dish refuses to pay. When a side makes exoribant demands like that, I tend to think they are the bad guys.

Whenever the resolution comes, Dish will be paying LIN more than they were before, but nowhere near as high as was originally asked.
I don't think LIN has denied asking for more money, they just won't admit how much. Then again, they try and downplay what a 140% increase is as if that number is true...
...Everything I've seen shows that the issue is a LIN rate increase demand of more than 100% that Dish refuses to pay. ...
As with most on the "information" that Dish has released ....a "rate increase of more than 100%" seems high at first blush but contains very little actual information without knowing "more than 100%" of WHAT. Interestingly neither side is disclosing that minor tidbit :)

Talon Dancer
As with most on the "information" that Dish has released ....a "rate increase of more than 100%" seems high at first blush but contains very little actual information without knowing "more than 100%" of WHAT. Interestingly neither side is disclosing that minor tidbit :)
I dont think they could state thinks like 175% increase or things like LIN would not answer their calls unless it was true. If it wasn't true LIN would drop a lawsuit on them faster then you can spell LIN.
As with most on the "information" that Dish has released ....a "rate increase of more than 100%" seems high at first blush but contains very little actual information without knowing "more than 100%" of WHAT. Interestingly neither side is disclosing that minor tidbit :)

Talon Dancer
A 100% increase seems high?? Wow, I hope so. Unless the math I learned a long time ago has changed, a 100% increase doubles the original amount!!!
OK, dumb question time; I'm having trouble parsing that front page slate... If Lin is trying to increase their rate 175%, do we multiply the current rate by 1.75, or rather 2.75 to get the new rate? I think it is 2.75, given the word "increase". (Think of your $4 gas going up to $11 overnight.)
OK, dumb question time; I'm having trouble parsing that front page slate... If Lin is trying to increase their rate 175%, do we multiply the current rate by 1.75, or rather 2.75 to get the new rate? I think it is 2.75, given the word "increase". (Think of your $4 gas going up to $11 overnight.)
It's not 1.75, that would only be a 75% increase. Think of it this way: For a 100% increase, would you multiply by 1.00??
If Lin were getting .01 per day, a 175% increase woukld be .0175 added to the .01 original price. So 2.75 cents per day is 82.5 cent per month out of the $1 per month that most of us pay for each network and PBS. Then Dish has uplink cost, sat transponder cost, etc on top of that. 17.5 cent to cover those cost does not seem like enough. If Lin were getting $.02 cents per day or higher, then Dish is in the hole on what we are paying not including there overhead cost.
I believe that is what it should be here in WNY, except I own my cable modem so I would get a $3.00 discount. Are you able to get to Buffalo Sabres HD Feed in QAM from their Shared Digitial Video. I know it available to regular analog subscribers, but you have to search for it each game (rescan the digitial channels) because the channel keeps moving.

As far as I know TW in Rochester does not have the Sabres games in HD on unencrypted QAM. It's been a while since I checked. However, we used to get Versus HD in unencrypted QAM until it went SDV. For a while HBO and Showtime were also being leaked but that didn't last too long.

Dwarren, are the Elmira locals in HD at all or are they still SD only?
As far as I know TW in Rochester does not have the Sabres games in HD on unencrypted QAM. It's been a while since I checked. However, we used to get Versus HD in unencrypted QAM until it went SDV. For a while HBO and Showtime were also being leaked but that didn't last too long.

Dwarren, are the Elmira locals in HD at all or are they still SD only?

Yep, did a scan and no MSG on Finger Lakes TW. And yes, Elmira is still SD. Big thing for me is that Jeopardy is not on CBS in Elmira. T0aht way I can watch it on the 2 weekends in March when CBS shows March Madness of Thur and Fri.
LIN is just so unfair and unreasonable. Its proven by all of the other providers that have dropped their channels. Now how many is that exactly now? Oh thats right. Only DISH.
LIN is just so unfair and unreasonable. Its proven by all of the other providers that have dropped their channels. Now how many is that exactly now? Oh thats right. Only DISH.

So Far! Wait till their retransmission contracts for other providers come up for renewal. Then see what happens.
I dont think they could state thinks like 175% increase or things like LIN would not answer their calls unless it was true. If it wasn't true LIN would drop a lawsuit on them faster then you can spell LIN.
I never said that the percent was incorrect. I just questioned WHAT the basis of the percentage was. My point is that we do not know whether LIN's egregious demand is 175% of 1 cent per subscriber per year/month/day/hour/minute/ second/millisecond/nanosecond, etc. Neither party has actually disclosed how much money is involved. But both have tried to sway subscriber/viewer sentiment with emotional rhetoric lacking factual details.

Talon Dancer

p.s. anyone who actually believes that Dish/Charlie's "playing hard ball" with programmers has significantly reduced their subscription fees should ask themselves why this tactic over time has not produced a substantial difference in the subscription rates for comparable packages with DirecTV. Or maybe you all believe that Charlie/Dish "playing hard ball" has single handily lowered subscription rates for ALL satellite TV subscribers :rolleyes: In which case, we should all switch to DirecTV where we can benefit from Charlie "playing hard ball" without the hassle of losing channels during the fracas :)
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LIN is just so unfair and unreasonable. Its proven by all of the other providers that have dropped their channels. Now how many is that exactly now? Oh thats right. Only DISH.

And Brighthouse/Time Warner in 2008 that resulted in the same issue in which Lin channels went into a blackout.
Odd how no one demands Dish increase their bill when a channel is added.

that's because DISH increases their bills without adding any channels. At least this recent increase the number of channels increased - added FX and the Starz package and promised price protection until 2013 at which time I'm sure they'll jack up the package prices another 12% and we'll have to see then who is the better value of cable or satellite -- or if internet streaming has advanced enough that I can get all my favorite shows on the web and ditch DISH altogether.

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