I am shocked! Don, I don't have time to argue with you line by line, though I totally disagree with many of your statements and conclusions. Let me just mention some most important points:Don Landis said:In summary- I support HDTV downresing to 1280 Hpixels until the majority of viewers are using 1080P x 1920 monitors...
1. You make it sound that if the TV set is not the latest 1080p set, then it can only do 1280 horizontal resolution??? Totally wrong! Many of the most popular LCD and DLP-based TV sets, including those made a couple of years ago have horizontal resolution of 1366 or above, including the most popular Sonys. I am sure you know that.
2. It's not just the set's native resolution that matters. It's also how many conversions are done to the signal. To get the best possible resolution most of us have our receivers set to 1080i mode. When Dish Network takes a 1080i source and sends it to us without downreszzing it comes to our sets in its original resolution of 1920x1080 which is then converted by our TV set to its native resolution (e.g. 1366x768). Basically it is rescaled only once. Now let's see what happens with a VOOM channel: first it is converted by Dish from 1920x1080i to 1280x1080i. Then the 942 box converts it back to 1920x1080i, then my TV set converts it from 1920x1080i to its native 1366x768. Are you telling me that these two scenarios result in the same picture quality???
3. Following your logic about "majority of viewers" why even bother showing HD channels at all until most of the viewers have HDTV sets??? Imagine how much bandwidth could be saved? How many SD channels could be added?

4. Don, you are certainly entitled to your own opinion. (You must be one of those 9 who voted for 21 HD-lite channels in our poll.) And I respect that. The problem is that now Dish Network management may take your personal opinion as a representative opinion of this forum, and this is really frustrating for many of us...