Voom is nothing but rerun after rerun and after having it for 10 months, there is nothing to watch. The movies on Cinema 10 are worthless, I've recorded maybe 20 movies over 10 months and watched maybe 2 live (except for MonstersHD, I've watched tons of those). They don't look very good live, but I can stomach it coming from a DVD as my Panny cleans up the signal so it is not so noisey, though it is downrezzed and softer.
I'm sorry you guys think Voom is so great, if you saw it on my screen, you'd think otherwise. Anyway, I am going to cancel Voom so you won't have to see my "negative" posts anymore and your wonderful picture can continue to decline and you can all sit around the "chat fire" and talk about how wonderful the skeeters are buzzing around your screen, I've had it with Voom.
Don't get me wrong, I like the Voom concept and I will miss several channels, I just can't put up with the sorry PQ any longer (on SOME, not ALL channels). I am paying them for a service they are not delivering and after more than a year in operation, they should have it cleaned up by now. If all channel looked like MonstersHD, I'd keep them, but the PQ changes from show to show and from channel to channel and this is not acceptable as I never know what I can watch and what I can't watch. Most of the time I can't watch. The only consistent channel is MonstersHD, and that is pathetic.
If they ever get their act together, get more content, get a PVR, clean up their picture, I may come back in a year or so, but I rarely watch it, so I'm done.
1080iBeVuMin, sure there is lots on Voom, but it is 98% reruns. Keep in mind I have the Basic package and do not watch SD programming, so I only have the 21 Voom originals to choose from. Most of my HD watching is from HDNET & OTA and both of those sources are pristine. It's very painful to switch from HDNET to Voom, the difference in PQ is like night and day. Maybe my eyes are too critical, but that's my choice.
I will miss the friendly banter with Sean, Ilya and the rest of the gang, but I finally got a job so I'll have something to fill all those "empty" hours and won't have much time to post around here anymore.
So take care SatelliteGuys, it's been a blast.
Flame away Voom lovers.