OK, Here are the files that I found, but I just haven't tried em yet. I'm going to regroup, and get an AMIKO A3 HDSE from KE4EST' s ebay store for $90, and we're going to invest in a Titanium ASC1 as well . With this unit built for the latest system requirements, like DVB-S2 decoding etc., with a Great looking style, with Smart and User friendly environment. I think I would like to do what you were talking about making the Viewsat a really good portable setup system. I've got a little 5" B/W TV/Radio from back in the day, and it would be a good little monitor, and take a small bungie to clip them together using the openings on the rcvr. and run it over the TV to make a little carrying unit. I have power within reason out there, so it's a do-able thing for sure. Thats such a cool idea, Thanks! Here is the loader and the others. I'm looking back at these with a little more educated eyes, and anything above ver .12 would be an upgrade (however useful).to this unit. But if you would please let me know if these are useful to you. I think I might go ahead and see what is on there with the loader program. (I think you'll like it), it gives you an editing capabilty, which would be useful to at least correct the names like you said, and see about what it takes to change some screwy locations I see, and or get the system closer to this century lol. It has a (Lets call it Acceptable but not as extensive interface, but I don't have much in my experience to compare to, so I'm going to just let someone that has more experience than myself to guide us in a more knowledgeable direction. I have learned some valuable lessons in this forum, and these folks have alot more experience and can teach us stuff we didn't know that we needed to know. Take a look at the AMIKO A3, and watch the videos, and you will be very close to be ready to get it out of the box, and rock and roll. But I want to make the very best of the ViewSat if possible, and let it be working for us in some capacity. Good Luck, and let me know how your doing. Take Care T