"No. Well yes, but actually not, but it does or it can, but no it won't."
How's that for an answer? I know that I am being facetious there, but there is an honest truth to it. A receiver with a GOOD BLIND SCAN capability is probably the best you can do. However, combining a good BLIND SCAN with a good motor control may be difficult to find. I think that this is what you are asking. You want to set your STB to scan the entire horizon for everything automatically... Moving the motor from sat to sat and scanning each sat all on its own. I have done this with the AZBox Premium Plus, but it is not perfect. The Coolsat 5000 will do this, but that is dependant on the firmware installed. Most receivers seem to continue scanning while it is moving the dish to the new position. Therefore you either lose a lot of information or you pick up a lot of junk along the way or both. This makes a real mess of your sat and channel list.
I totally understand your desire, but I don't think that you will be satisfied with any current receiver's options or ability in this regard. Some come really close to what you are looking for, but they all seem to lack one piece or bit of quality. Doing it manually is the best practice overall.