Over the past week, Iwas experiencing problems accessing the menu guide beyond the HD channels and the OTA channels. Too coorrect this, the first time, I did a soft reset, the second a hard reset, the third I took the guide off and changed to a 3 digit channel and reaquired the guide. Thursday for the 4th time this occured. I tried the channel switch. That didn't work. So I called technical support. She had me do a soft reset and a couple of other things to no avail, mentioned turning off every night, which I replied I had followed that proceedure for over 12 years. She said that the engineers would receive a report and to wait at least a week for a solution. I also mentioned my 75-25 geometry shift on the TV and she mentioned looking at the owners manual. I answered my sets geometry was not consumer correctable and most sets were not. The shift didn't occure until I replace the 811 with a 622. No response. The reason I'm reporting this is the 411 at work is having the same guide issue the 622 is only OTA and HD channels on the guide. Did a soft reset. No Workie. If you are having issues with your guide on any HD receiver, call Dish tech support.
yse i'm still deaf, also somewhat dispecktic
yse i'm still deaf, also somewhat dispecktic