Not leaving Dish. Not yet, and not likely. But it has become a maybe.
CM DVR+ (baby) came today and I installed it. In the attic, before installation, I replaced a distribution amplifier and bypassed a power inserter, since I had lost OTA. This worked, as the current setup got OTA back. Later, I will determine which was bad.
With my OTA antenna about 90 degrees off, I got about 48 channels, all but one coming in perfectly.
Once I rotate to the correct heading, I expect I'll get - about 48 channels. And all coming in well. Almost all OTA comes from about the same heading from me, and not that far. The 90 degrees off was to try to get a MD station near the WV border, which never worked.
By this weekend, I will finish final setup and add an EHD for expanded DVR functions. And next week, if all goes well, I will drop locals from Dish.
After the MBR bath renovation is done, the eternal project, I'll probably move the CM to the MBR. The LR AV receiver has all three inputs full (HWS, Roku, Oppo). I'd have to use an HDMI switch, which I already have, or move it. For OTA viewing, the MBR TV is fine.