Now that I've retired, I think I'll restart this project early next year.
Thank you, TomC83, for finding this old thread for me.
Thank you for putting the idea out there, and may your extension on the project have a far better experience than my experiment

I'm still on my first EHD but I fully see having many more in the future, always been a videophile and save EVERYTHING... I often go back and watch something that's much loved many times, others maybe just once, but I like to have the ability to go back to it when I want to see it again. And like Navychop, my "wanna watch that one day" list might take me a good 4 months to get through once I start.
With the internet and streaming services you technically can go back to things that way, but who wants to subscribe to another service if you already have it saved on EHD via your Satellite box.. or several EHD's, haha.
I wonder though, is there a safe removal procedure you have to follow for changing out the EHD when you want to switch it for a new one, and then also when you want to swap back and forth between previously filled EHD's, similar to how you safely remove an external drive or flash drive from a PC. Or do you just unplug the current one and plug in the other without concern?