Eurochannel is mostly movies and documentaries, but all in English subtitles. At least 60% is French content, as Eurochannel is a French venture.
TV5 France has many movies, almost of all which have English subtitles. However, the vast majority of the many TV Shows such as sitcoms, educational, celebrity interview, political interview and news magazine shows, and political debate and any time the French President addresses the people of France, and performance specials, music programs and interviews, and some French Canadian programming as well, and live sports including Tour de France and key football games, and all newscasts (many throughout the day) and cultural programming are in French only. They used to have the daily international version of the newscast Journal 2 (the French owned TV channel 2 service) subtitled in English, and it was among the best newscasts ANYWHERE, excellent domestic and international coverage, but TV5 finally stopped subtitling it. Too bad.
Overall, TV5 is better and has more frequent fresh programming, not just fresh news, but more fresh episodes of many French TV shows shown domestically. Would love to see that in HD and their SD feed (sometimes letterboxed) was right up there with TV Japan as some of the best technical standards. I loved it when I had it and really loved their New Year's Eve cabaret party, however a lot of the programming (except for movies) are NOT subtitled. They did subtitle the last French Presidential Debates, and it was a blast watching it the two candidates go at each other; it was funny, as all politics is, as well.
Eurovision is good, but mostly a lot of repeats. Still the quality of the movies and documentaries and all the programming, really is good content. I had to cancell my French Bouquet to offset the huge hike in Dish Fees.