LIL Stations moving To Echostar X @ 110

MikeD-C05 said:
According to spell check on this web site it is. Didn't indicate any errors in spelling. But spell check and I could be wrong, unlike some others who like to point out flaws in others. :p
"spelt" is a word, just not the one you intended to use. I think is a type of wheat.
I love living in the country. One less problem to deal with. I could put up as many satellite dishes as big or small as I want and nobody would say anything. If they did there would not be a darn thing that they could do about it.
datwell said:
Quote: "I wouldn't live where people can tell you what you can or can't do with your property"

I could not agree more!

BTW, in addition to the equipment shown in my signature below, I also have a big Channel Master 4228 with a pre-amp & rotor and TWO, yes TWO Sirius Satellite antennas. My neighbors don't mind at all and in fact, I help them with any TV reception & computer issues they may have.

I care about by neighbors but I am blessed to live on an acre of property that I bought 25 years ago. One dish is visible from the front but it is on top of the roof. When it comes to my enjoyment the neighbors take second seat.
Stargazer said:
I love living in the country. One less problem to deal with. I could put up as many satellite dishes as big or small as I want and nobody would say anything. If they did there would not be a darn thing that they could do about it.
Ditto. I've got 4 on my house, plus a test rig on a tree. I've got a neighbor with a whole garden in his front yard.

I'm on the local HOA board. We had a couple of @$$holes that tried to pull crap like this. We beat them into the ground. :D
Dish May Find Out That "moving" All The Locals To E-10 Might Backfire On Them. If You Have A Current Customer Of Dish That Has Locals On 105 Or 121 Then They Can Take Them With Them Because Of The Nearly Conus Footprint Offered By 105 And 121. Placing Them On Spotbeams Might Upset The Customer Who Gets Out Of Range Of The Beam And Has To Requalify For Locals And Get A Different Rsn.
DJZman :welcome
I have a somewhat off topic question for you. How are you making each first letter capitalized ? are you using another editor, say ms word, then copy and pasting in ? or do you have a special setting on your browser or something else? im intrigued.
The reason i ask is you are about the 3rd person who has submitted information this way recently and as it is disturbing to read but wondered if it was default that you had set or something.

DJZMAN_999_1_USA said:
Dish May Find Out That "moving" All The Locals To E-10 Might Backfire On Them. If You Have A Current Customer Of Dish That Has Locals On 105 Or 121 Then They Can Take Them With Them Because Of The Nearly Conus Footprint Offered By 105 And 121. Placing Them On Spotbeams Might Upset The Customer Who Gets Out Of Range Of The Beam And Has To Requalify For Locals And Get A Different Rsn.

it won't backfire. You are only suppose to qualify for your locals, not locals from across the country. The only people who will get mad are the ones who don't live within the spot beam and right now are getting locals they shouldnt be :)

Plus who the hell takes a Superdish with them on a RV? Maybe having a SD at a cabin
Iceberg said:
it won't backfire. You are only suppose to qualify for your locals, not locals from across the country. The only people who will get mad are the ones who don't live within the spot beam and right now are getting locals they shouldnt be :)

Plus who the hell takes a Superdish with them on a RV? Maybe having a SD at a cabin

I saw a motohome the other day with a C-Band dish on top. It was one of those 200k units that are nicer than my condo.
bcope9 said:
I can't wait for CSPAN HD

See your senator or congressperson lie in your face 24/7 all in full HD Glory only on...............CSPAN-HD and please join us on our sister station CSPAN2-HD for the gut wrenching action of.................................getting the house or senate to come to order...............Only on Dish Network, the HD Leader!

Enjoy All!
Maybe. But if you try putting up a dish on a piece of your property that is home to the up to now unknown bluenosed frog-rat or is defined as wetland, you could be frogmarched off in an orange jumpsuit before LIL arrives in DMA 180.

Stargazer said:
I love living in the country. One less problem to deal with. I could put up as many satellite dishes as big or small as I want and nobody would say anything. If they did there would not be a darn thing that they could do about it.
Why dont you just refer everybody to the customer? Copping an attitude might get you into a bind some day and for what? You should know that not all restrictions on dishes are invalid....size, placement, attachment are up for discussion. Walking up and "scaring" someone may get you a mouthful of teeth or ventilation by lead projectile -- and be found to be justified. If your honor is that fragile try another line of work... Be safe.

dishcomm said:
i get static all the time from nosy neighbors while on a job...
Last time this lady comes home and right away she starts quoting me chapter and verse..I tersely interupted her and reminded her that it was in her best interst to mind her own business...Her reply was that my cust was going to be fined....I said what do you care..I told her I suspected she had a different agenda...i concluded our litle chat by telleing her that until her name appeared on the deed to the home I was working on she could do what she wished...
I then told her to have a nice day..She wasn't gonna let that go she retorted 'who do you work for"? I said "me"...I asked what part of "have a nice day" didn't you understand?..She harrumphed her fat ass into her house..She then sent her teenaged son out to check out my truck to look for signs..When he looked into the cab, I walked up on him and scared the living crap out of him..i warned him that if he even thought about touching my property he would be talking to a Sherriff's Deputy...He said nothing and with tail between legs went into the house....A little while later the husband came home...He came out a few mins later and looked at me and my truck and then went back inside..Good move..I was in no mood to put up with any nonsense....

Cooling off period?

Nfl-hd 297 Guide Trouble

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