While we are having fun banning certain stupid people, here's a suggestion to string these people out: volunteer the frequency and symbol rate for SKY ANGEL on Echostar 7, which was in the clear the last time I checked. Except don't spell out what is on this channel....just tell the fool that there might be some important solutions to their problem if they scan that frequency and tune in the resulting channel. They might get very upset......play dumb and suggest that maybe someone might pray for them. Let them answer with one of the typical dumbass hacker questions, and then take the joy of BANNING THEM FOR ETERNITY.
They might think you're weird, but won't bother you again.
Just a suggestion to make this into a more interesting sport, and tweak
a few ignorant people.
They might think you're weird, but won't bother you again.
Just a suggestion to make this into a more interesting sport, and tweak
a few ignorant people.