Lebron James prediction thread


On Vacation
Original poster
Apr 10, 2008
I hope Ramy lets this second Lebron thread stand, because it's time to leave the innuendo, outrage and hearsay in the other thread, do your best 'Cowboy Up' impersonation and tell us where you think Lebron is going...one day before they are actually free agents.

I already predicted Lebron is staying in Cleveland, and I'm sticking to that. He signs a two year contract, is not labeled the traitor of all traitors by Ohioans like Bucky, and gives Cleveland one more chance to build a winner around him. If they do not build a winner for him an exit in two years would be much more understandable for a lot of people, even the Buckies.

I think Lebron would really really like to play for the Brooklyn Nets...but not the New Jersey Nets, so the two year contract coincides perfecty with the opening of the new arena. It can be the 'house that was built for Lebron'.

I think Miami and Chicago are possibilities, but while it may sound like fun the actuality of sharing the ball with Wade every night would get old for Lebron.

And the best thing of all for Lebron is he gets to do this all over again in two years, a process he seems to be in love with...based on his play against the Celtics, he may even like this more than playing in the NBA finals.

It's 'Cowboy up' time boys, I can't be the only one making predictions around here. What say you?

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no I don't...

Dont watch the NBA
Dont care about the NBA

and thank god for NHL Network & MLB Network because I am sportscenter free since all they seem to do is get boners over the NBA.
I will take part in this one...Lebron will stay in cleveland, and I agree with sandra it wont be for a full contract or will have a get out of contract clause somewhere, but he isnt going anywhere.
no I don't...

Dont watch the NBA
Dont care about the NBA

and thank god for NHL Network & MLB Network because I am sportscenter free since all they seem to do is get boners over the NBA.

Yet you cared enough to post twice that you don't care. :D

You want to see 'don't care'? Go check out how many of my posts are in the golf and auto racing threads. I don't even care enough to go in there to announce that I don't care! ;)

you asked for a prediction and I gave you one

could care less

Boy I didnt know there were rules about what thread we can post in :rolleyes:
you asked for a prediction and I gave you one

could care less

Boy I didnt know there were rules about what thread we can post in :rolleyes:

Just funnin' ya. That's why I included a big
in my post to you.

You're so serious!

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I really can't see Lebron to Miami even with Steven A's bold statements that it's a done deal. I do see Bosh going to Miami though.

I think if Lebron stays in Cleveland he will demand the ultimate contract, a max 6 year deal with a player option for every year. You know Cleveland would do it to have a chance to keep him even for 1 more year. Plus Lebron gets his circus every year.

Ultimately if he leaves I think the Nets have the best shot. The Bulls would be my 2nd guess. The Clippers should just move to plan C or D cause nobody wants to go there. The Knicks seemed like the best shot 2 years ago but something seems to have stalled that hype. I am not really sure who else is really going after him maybe Dallas?

If he leaves Cleveland that franchise will go from first to worst really fast. I bet Toronto will be begging to move to a new city really soon too, they are another team that just do not attract the talent, even Hedo already wants out and the way over paid to get him there.

July 1 - 8 should be interesting for NBA fans. I don't think my Lakers will be making many headlines though.
I think if Lebron stays in Cleveland he will demand the ultimate contract, a max 6 year deal with a player option for every year. You know Cleveland would do it to have a chance to keep him even for 1 more year. Plus Lebron gets his circus every year.

Wow, interesting. That would be the ultimate capitulation by Cleveland, but I cannot even believe they would agree to such a one-sided contract.

you asked for a prediction and I gave you one

could care less

Boy I didnt know there were rules about what thread we can post in :rolleyes:

If you say you COULD care less then that means you care at least a little. But, if you COULDN’T care less (the proper way of saying the expression) then it means you absolutely don’t care at all. :p
If you say you COULD care less then that means you care at least a little. But, if you COULDN’T care less (the proper way of saying the expression) then it means you absolutely don’t care at all. :p

Thanks cosmo, you're giving me weird flashbacks to Mr. Goetz, my middle school english teacher. :eek: :D


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