Least liked champions in sports history

I don't mean to speak for HD MM here, but the way I see it, respect doesn't mean a lot in our division. The way things are right now, all four teams have good reason to pretty much hate the other three.... and that's just the way we like it!

This one has taken a life of its own. Most Steelers fans didn't care about the Bengals until a couple years ago, but that's changed... something about us being trash talkers (?). The Palmer injury in the playoffs has heightened this one.

Same state--that says enough. Bengals lead all-time series 35-34. For all intents and purposes, we knocked them out of the post-season last year. And we always seem to be good and bad at about the same time. Some fun shootouts recently, too.

All Bengals fans hate Ray-Ray, and they beat our sorry butts into the ground in the early 2000's. But we've beaten them the last 5 times--they're our bitch right now.

The best and oldest rivalry of the bunch, and one of the best in the NFL. Geographically and culturally the closest, too. A game I can't wait to watch.

Brutal matchups that lean toward defense. This matchup typically has the closest results, or it least is seems that way.

Needs no explanation.

(HD MM, how did I do?)

Good analysis of each rivalry Brainfry. :up

I love when they realigned the AFC North to pair these 4 teams together. I can't think of another division in the league that features such local and significant rivalries among eachother....
In recent years however, it has been especially tough to stomach these rivalry games. The Steelers have pretty much dominated for quite a while. (Browns last beat Pitt in 2000). It's almost like getting picked on by the neighborhood bully without having the muscles to fight back. After a while, one grows tired/angry of the outcome.

You actually last beat us in 2003. I specifically remember getting pummeled in an early season Sunday night game during the Thomas Alfred Maddox era. With the Steelers going 6-10 that year, it was tied with 1999 for the worst season of Bill Cowher's tenure, and one of only three losing seasons out of the fifteen he had here.

I expect no less, perhaps even better, out of Mike Tomlin. He reminds me of Chuck Noll, that Tomlin.
You actually last beat us in 2003. I specifically remember getting pummeled in an early season Sunday night game during the Thomas Alfred Maddox era. With the Steelers going 6-10 that year, it was tied with 1999 for the worst season of Bill Cowher's tenure, and one of only three losing seasons out of the fifteen he had here.

I expect no less, perhaps even better, out of Mike Tomlin. He reminds me of Chuck Noll, that Tomlin.

Woops. I meant to say first Browns victory at Cleveland Browns Stadium since 2000. You're right though. Technically, the Browns last win was in 2003 in Pittsburgh. Tim Couch played out of his mind that game.
I'm starting to really, really dislike the reigning champion Giants.

I'm not saying they didn't earn it, but I have to consider them one of the flukiest, luckiest, skunk-lucky championship teams in sports history.

They had a pitiful home record- most Super Bowl-winning teams are great at home- the 1985 Bears, 1999 Rams, and 2003-2004 Patriots had perfect records at home.

You can't rely solely on a good road record and super-fortunate luck, but that's what happened to these G-Men.

Other than Barry Switzer, I don't think there is a worse coach of a Super Bowl-winning team than Coughlin.

IMO, the Giants succedded in spite of Coughlin, not because of him, the biggest jerk of any coach in football.

To me, the Giants have disgraced the Lombardi trophy. I hope, on the first Sunday in February, the trophy will be claimed by someone else than this lucky-as-hell team.

I hope Cleveland destroys them on Monday Night Football.
Easy call for me

Bears of the Super bowl Shuffle infamy.

Hated Ditka
Hated Buddy Ryan even more
Hated Jim McMahon more than the first two combined.

Vastly overrated one year wonder of a team. Still get far too much credit for their singular accomplishment.
Same could be said for the New York Giants.

Could be right, but way way too early to determine this yet.

If Giants can win another sometime in the next 20-25 years they will have accomplished more than the Bears.

Somehow I also doubt if the Giants fail to win another one that people will be waxing poetic or vastly overrating said team in 2030.:)
Same could be said for the New York Giants.

Easy call for me

Bears of the Super bowl Shuffle infamy.

Hated Ditka
Hated Buddy Ryan even more
Hated Jim McMahon more than the first two combined.

Vastly overrated one year wonder of a team. Still get far too much credit for their singular accomplishment.

In fairness to the Bears, they were very good BEFORE and AFTER that Super Bowl year. AND before the Pats amazing run last year, they had one of THE BEST runs of all time. You my friend, just don't like DA BEARZ.....!;)
IMO, the 1985 Bears were the most dominating team I've ever seen. However, I agree it was disappointing that they didn't do more following that season. But that '85 bears defense...........good Lord!!
IMO, the 1985 Bears were the most dominating team I've ever seen. However, I agree it was disappointing that they didn't do more following that season. But that '85 bears defense...........good Lord!!

Another thing about the Bears; they weren't exactly offensively challenged.

These were not the 2000 Ravens; those Bears had over 400 points and outscored every team not named the Chargers.

Personally, I think they were the greatest team in NFL history- at least the 1985 Bears players seem to revel in what they did, unlike those 1972 Dolphins who take glory in other teams losing.

I HATE that champagne-popping crap. Nonetheless, I wish the 1976 Bucs would do the same.
I understand what you are saying John....but the Marlins did NOT go out and start spending left and right because the payroll that year was UNDER $55 million AND like I said, MOST of that roster was not free agents but trades and home grown talent.

THe Roster maybe... But the starters? Most were new and most were released after the win.
Actually you can blame the fans. Huizenga unloaded the players because he was losing money. Why? Because Marlins crowds are usually just a couple of guys in their 80's playing pinochle. The Yankees might spend a fortune on their team but they can afford it. So can the Red Sox. You don't see other small market clubs trying to outspend the Yankees. Huizenga gambled that if he spent big on the team the fans would come around. They didn't.

As for A-Rod it's not his fault that the Yankees haven't won a WS since he joined them. Piss poor pitching has been a bigger culprit. A-Rod has put up sick #'s for the Yankees which leads to lots of wins so he is holding up his end of the bargain.

You must not watch A Rod in the playoffs. Left on Base percentage hovering near 100% when it counts.

Reggie Jackson, Mr. October.
A Rod, Mr. April.
THe Roster maybe... But the starters? Most were new and most were released after the win.

Steven....the starters were:

Al Leiter signed as a free agent in 1995(mind you, 2 YEARS before the World Series win when they were 76-86 and 80-82 respectively).

Alex Fernandez signed in 1997

Livan Hernandez was a rookie pitcher that came up through the farm system.

Rick Helling signed in 1997 and traded BEFORE the end of the year(as in BEFORE the World Series win)

Kevin Brown was signed the year BEFORE the World Series.(80-82 that year)

The rest of the pitching staff was through trades or farm system.

The other free agents were Moises Alou and Bobby Bonilla.
Personally, I think they were the greatest team in NFL history- at least the 1985 Bears players seem to revel in what they did, unlike those 1972 Dolphins who take glory in other teams losing.

I HATE that champagne-popping crap. Nonetheless, I wish the 1976 Bucs would do the same.

Well-stated. Precisely why I think the '72 Dolphins is the least liked championship team ever.
Well-stated. Precisely why I think the '72 Dolphins is the least liked championship team ever.

Many of us think so, but there's a site I checked out that feels otherwise.

Ever checked out The Sports E-Cyclopedia (sportsecyclopedia.com)

Prior to the Pats/Giants Super Bowl, the guy who runs the site had this to say.

The italicized comments you will see are my thoughts:

The 72 Dolphins did it with class;

Yet they act like egotistical jerks today. They have no class these days.

the Pats would not know class if it came up and bit them on the ass.

What about when they came out as a team prior to SB XXXVI? One year can't change EVERYTHING!

He gets malcontents like Randy Moss to act like a team player, too bad he can't carry the idea of being a good citizen off the field.

Unlike Barry Switzer, at least he doesn't get arrested.

And that hoodey that Bill Belichick wears oh how I would love to rip it off his body, that ratty look thing was rejected by the Salvation Army; there are better dressed homeless people.

That's just cruel and wrong. Say what you will about him, but physical harm? That's low.

The 72 Dolphins however will always be the first and the best team ever, I don't care what any body says Defense wins championships

I'll give him the 'Defense wins championships,' but best ever? Please. The 1985 Bears, the Steelers, and 49ers would destroy them. Hell, the 1984 Dolphins were a better Fins team, IMO!

They would get torched through the air. You can't win a title these days on running alone.

I WANTED New England to win, not only because I hate the Giants, but I was SICK of hearing about those damn Dolphins!

I hope SOMEBODY goes undefeated someday and wipes these jerks from the record book!

at least when football was real before Quarterbacks were treated like fine china

So, he's saying that when QB gets knocked unconscious, football is real and protecting your QB's body and avoiding serious injury is bad? What a jerk!

Give me Larry Csonka any day as the true super star

PLEASE. He couldn't hold Franco Harris' jock.

in the Dolphins day they played real football, you can hit you can tackle and it was a man's game.

I guess knocking a QB cold and trying to kill them makes you a real man. Apparently, this guy thinks that the worse a QB is hurt, the more manly that makes you feel.

I guess that's why the Patriots went unbeaten because they have speedsters who can't be touched and they take full advantage.

Speed is a bad thing? Tell that to the old-school 49ers!

Bottom line: this guy is another reason why I hate the 72' Fins.

Honestly, I'd rather have the 1984 Dolphins.

In the case of Dan Marino, when Peyton Manning and Kurt Warner threatened his single-season records and when F*v*e got closer to his career records, he didn't come out and look as pathetic as the 72 Dolphins.
Personally I hate the Yankees. Don't get me wrong they are a good team, but im really sick and tired that its "Expected" that they win championships!

The last straw for me was last year when they fired their manager because the Yankees did not win the pennant and go to the world series. Anyone else would be happy their team made the post season at all!
Many of us think so, but there's a site I checked out that feels otherwise.

Ever checked out The Sports E-Cyclopedia (sportsecyclopedia.com)

Prior to the Pats/Giants Super Bowl, the guy who runs the site had this to say.

The italicized comments you will see are my thoughts:

The 72 Dolphins did it with class;

Yet they act like egotistical jerks today. They have no class these days.

the Pats would not know class if it came up and bit them on the ass.

What about when they came out as a team prior to SB XXXVI? One year can't change EVERYTHING!

He gets malcontents like Randy Moss to act like a team player, too bad he can't carry the idea of being a good citizen off the field.

Unlike Barry Switzer, at least he doesn't get arrested.

And that hoodey that Bill Belichick wears oh how I would love to rip it off his body, that ratty look thing was rejected by the Salvation Army; there are better dressed homeless people.

That's just cruel and wrong. Say what you will about him, but physical harm? That's low.

The 72 Dolphins however will always be the first and the best team ever, I don't care what any body says Defense wins championships

I'll give him the 'Defense wins championships,' but best ever? Please. The 1985 Bears, the Steelers, and 49ers would destroy them. Hell, the 1984 Dolphins were a better Fins team, IMO!

They would get torched through the air. You can't win a title these days on running alone.

I WANTED New England to win, not only because I hate the Giants, but I was SICK of hearing about those damn Dolphins!

I hope SOMEBODY goes undefeated someday and wipes these jerks from the record book!

at least when football was real before Quarterbacks were treated like fine china

So, he's saying that when QB gets knocked unconscious, football is real and protecting your QB's body and avoiding serious injury is bad? What a jerk!

Give me Larry Csonka any day as the true super star

PLEASE. He couldn't hold Franco Harris' jock.

in the Dolphins day they played real football, you can hit you can tackle and it was a man's game.

I guess knocking a QB cold and trying to kill them makes you a real man. Apparently, this guy thinks that the worse a QB is hurt, the more manly that makes you feel.

I guess that's why the Patriots went unbeaten because they have speedsters who can't be touched and they take full advantage.

Speed is a bad thing? Tell that to the old-school 49ers!

Bottom line: this guy is another reason why I hate the 72' Fins.

Honestly, I'd rather have the 1984 Dolphins.

In the case of Dan Marino, when Peyton Manning and Kurt Warner threatened his single-season records and when F*v*e got closer to his career records, he didn't come out and look as pathetic as the 72 Dolphins.

Quit beating around the bush, how do you really feel?:D

Chad Johnson REALLY needs to get off the crack!

If Sports Teams Were High-School Students

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