It's not fair that lease fees and additional fees for owned recevers are virtually identical. What if you bought a car and even though you paid for it and it is owned by you, you were required to continue paying the dealership an equivalent fee to what a person leasing that car would pay? And because your truck has a trailer [i.e. hard drive] and can pull a trailer [i.e. record], you have to pay that fee again?
At this point the ONLY advantage to owning your equipment is that you can use it to subscribe to something less than a basic package, i.e. HD only, SkyAngel only, locals only. Lessees are required to keep at least AT60. And can fiddle with the equipment any way you please (legally) without worrying about violating the terms of the lease.
I prefer to own my equipment, but am beginning to think why the heck should I bother anymore?